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Egyptian Internet kill switch would fall short in U.S. 3 Feb 2011 | 11:49 am
The “Internet kill switch” is really a piece of proposed legislation designed to protect the United States from cyber attack. Otherwise known as the Internet kill switch, the bill is titled "Protectin...
Obama dobio ovlašćenje o gašenju interneta u SAD-u - počela diktatura? 6 Feb 2011 | 01:01 am
Na isti datum kada je u Egiptu „ugašen“ internet, američki je Senat izglasao zakon o takozvanom „Kill Switch“ koji ima ulogu zaustavljanja internet prometa u cijelom SAD-u. „Kill Switch“ ima ulogu zau...
Kill Switch PC indir 12 Sep 2010 | 01:54 am
Österreichische Politikerlogik 2 Feb 2011 | 08:06 pm
Homo erectus kommentiert den Bericht eines in Österreich angeblich geplanten Kill-Switches für das Internet so: zentraler abschaltknopf zum schutz kritischer infrastruktur ok, mit dieser logik bewah...
Heidi Pulls ‘Kill Switch’ on Sex Tape Negotiations 3 Sep 2010 | 07:42 am
So much for Heidi and Spencer in XXX … TMZ has learned the estranged couple has officially cut off negotiations with Vivid Entertainment honcho Steven Hirsch … telling him they’re no longer interested...
The Fear-Based Psychology of the 'Internet Kill Switch' 21 Aug 2010 | 01:50 pm
Security legend Paul Kocher talks about the attitudes shaping Congress's latest tech misstep. If the Internet ever does something unfriendly to the national security interests of the United States, w...
Great Depression Law Grants President Internet Kill Switch? 25 May 2011 | 10:55 pm
With Congress debating numerous bills designed to regulate the Internet, high on the Obama administration’s agenda is new legislation designed to give the President an Internet “kill switch” in some u...
The Fear-Based Psychology of the 'Internet Kill Switch' 21 Aug 2010 | 09:50 am
Security legend Paul Kocher talks about the attitudes shaping Congress's latest tech misstep. If the Internet ever does something unfriendly to the national security interests of the United States, w...
Kill Switch Full Mediafire Download 14 Oct 2012 | 06:59 pm
Kill Switch Rip Version Full Mediafire Download Tags Search Kill Switch PC Game Mediafire Link, Full Version download PC Games Mediafire Link, Kill Switch RiP Version, Mediafire Link Kill Switch RiP,...
Practical advice Friday: The easiest step you can take to regain your privacy. Simon Black on OCTOBER 19, 2012 21 Oct 2012 | 08:24 am
One major assault against liberty over the last two years has been the steady erosion of online privacy. From Obama’s ‘kill switch’, to ACTA, SOPA and PIPA, to stasi tactics against people like Kim Do...