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Passwort-Management in der Cloud 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
LastPass ist eine Online und Lokal verfügbare Kennwortverwaltung, die Passwörter und Zugangsdaten sicher aufbewahrt und automatisch in die entsprechenden Anmeldefelder einfügt. Der Vorteil: Als Nutzer...
Unitrends beruft Michael Hon-Mong zum Managing Director Zentral- und Osteuropa 27 Aug 2013 | 04:15 pm
Michael Hon-Mong freut sich auf die Herausforderung, die Expansionspläne von Unitrends in Europa zu unterstützen.
More LG Electronics related news:
Prada phone by LG 3.0 begins worldwide rollout 25 Jan 2012 | 08:32 pm
LG Electronics (LG) made its highly anticipated PRADA phone by LG 3.0 available to the public in South Korea. The phone is now available to Korean customers and scheduled for the release in most Europ...
No rest for LG as their struggles continue 22 Oct 2010 | 03:16 pm
As the struggle of LG continues in the mobile business, LG Electronics said that it lost money for the first time in four years. The company is now depending on the Google’s Android software to save i...
Why the LG Cinema 3D Smart TVs outshine the rest… 3 May 2012 | 02:55 am
New Delhi, May 2nd, 2012: Leading Home Entertainment Brand of Country, LG Electronics India today announced the launch of its latest series of Cinema 3D Smart TVs incorporating Cinema Screen design a...
LG Announces Cinema 3D Smart TVs, Which Are Masterpieces! 2 May 2012 | 04:28 pm
by Jatinder ( Leading Home Entertainment Brand of Country, LG Electronics India today announced in New Delhi the launch of its latest series of Cinema 3D Smart TVs incorporating Cinema...
LG Optimus LTE II 21 May 2012 | 04:19 am
Another great smartphone has been released by LG electronics, LG Optimus LTE II claimed to be the first smartphone with 2GB RAM for maximum LTE connectivity. It will hit Korean market within next week...
LG Electronics Appliance Factory Authorized Service Center 7 Mar 2010 | 04:13 am
DG appliance services is an LG Electronics authorized service center. Our appliance technicians are factory trained and qualified to work on your LG appliances. LG Customer Service representatives b...
#1: LG 47LV579S 119 cm (47 Zoll) LED Backlight Fernseher, Energieeffizienzklasse A (Full-HD, 500 Hz MCI, DVB-T/C/S, CI+, Smart TV) mattschwarz 30 May 2012 | 07:34 pm
LG 47LV579S 119 cm (47 Zoll) LED Backlight Fernseher, Energieeffizienzklasse A (Full-HD, 500 Hz MCI, DVB-T/C/S, CI+, Smart TV) mattschwarz von LG Electronics (21) Neu kaufen: EUR 1.199,00 EUR 599,99 ...
Двухсимочный тачфон LG T370 2 May 2012 | 06:17 am
Компания LG Electronics представляет на российском рынке целиком чувствительный телефон LG T370 с крупным экраном и 2 SIM-картами. Тонкий изящный корпус толщиной всего 10,7 миллиметра с металлизирова...
Will Release Ubuntu LG Tablet 8 Jan 2012 | 08:26 am
Canonical, the company behind the Ubuntu Linux distribution is rumored to be holding LG Electronics to make new LG tablets and smart phones based Ubuntu operating system. This joint project will encou...
LG Electronics LRBP1031T Refrigerator Reviews 2 Jan 2012 | 06:58 pm
LG Electronics LRBP1031T Refrigerator Reviews LRBP1031T There are many kitchen appliances that make our kitchen feel and look complete and if you are thinking about some kitchen renovation and bring...