Most MAMP related news are at:

How to upgrade phpMyAdmin in MAMP / MAMP PRO 19 Aug 2013 | 04:01 pm
Download the latest version Unpack the archive you just downloaded, the resulting folder should be called somewhat like "phpMyAdmin-x.y-all-languages" Copy (in the Finder press ALT key to copy the f...
MAMP & MAMP PRO 2.1.3 released 18 Mar 2013 | 03:55 pm
We just released MAMP & MAMP PRO Version 2.1.3 (download page). Release Notes: MAMP Updated to the latest version of phpMyAdmin. Apache config file corrected. MAMP PRO Improved: detection of net...
More MAMP related news:
Mac OS X 10.7 LionのMAMP PRO 2.0.1にPEARをインストール&SSIを設定 13 Dec 2011 | 10:23 pm
$ /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.6/bin/pear install Notice: unserialize(): Erro [...]
Lambaian Purnama 2 Nov 2011 | 03:48 pm
Tuhanku kupinjam nyawa ini untuk napasku Tuhanku kupinjam nyawa ini untuk kerjaku Tuhanku kupinjam nyawa ini untuk akhir karyaku Tuhanku tolong berikanlah panjangan napas ini Berbuat sebanyak mamp...
SilverStripe 500 Internal Server Issue 26 Apr 2012 | 04:47 am
So, if you've ever been working locally in MAMP or WAMP and everything's going smoothly, but then you upload your site to your server and BAM! 500 Internal Server Error. That could be ANYTHING! Here a...
WordPress e MAMP: Installare il vostro blog in Locale sul Mac 10 Oct 2011 | 11:00 pm
Mamp per Mac Se avete deciso di installare il vostro blog WordPress in locale, così da poterlo sistemare senza bisogno: o di mettere il sito offline, o continuare a cambiare impostazioni e dare un’im...
Import Mysql backup in Mac OSX 22 May 2012 | 07:41 pm
If you are using MAMP then you can follow the steps from terminal. Go to the directory where MySQL is installed. MySQL is installed in “/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/” directory. Now enter the follow...
Debugging and Testing PT2 26 Apr 2012 | 03:09 pm
Running AgNetPro Server before starting mysql server through mamp may cause mamp to be unable to connect mysql server. To prevent this from happening always start mamp mysql Server before starting AgN...
Installer des packages PEAR dans MAMP (2.0) 14 Feb 2012 | 04:48 am
L’installeur de packages Pear est intégré à la version 2.0 de MAMP. Pour installer un nouveau package il faut donc simplement saisir la commande suivante dans Terminal (ici on va installer le package ...
La fin de l’installation de Prestashop avec MAMP 27 Jan 2012 | 01:33 am
Vous utilisez MAMP et après avoir téléchargé et lancé la procédure d’installation de Prestashop, tout se déroule comme prévu jusqu’à la fin, lorsque, pour des questions de sécurité, Prestashop vous de...
How install a php debugger: Xdebug, Komodo and MAMP 15 Aug 2011 | 07:44 am
And then there was light... Last week, I worked for the first time with a php debugger and finally things fell into place. I could see things I couldn’t see before, go into great detail, the obscure ...
WAMP, MAMP, LAMP, XAMPP – What is the differences and powerfull tools for local web development. 26 Nov 2011 | 11:46 pm
The number one most difference is the OS Compatibility. First, lets us consider on how your OS can do in the Development of Websites. WAMP is used on the Windows. MAMP is used on the MAC. LAMP is...