Most Man of Steel related news are at:

UNDER THE DOME Recap: “Let The Games Begin” 27 Aug 2013 | 08:51 am
I almost forgot to watch Under the Dome this week. That has never happened for any show I've been reviewing before, not even in the hectic flurry of the Fall TV season. I bring this up because it il...
Warner Bros. Developing SCOOBY-DOO Animated Feature 27 Aug 2013 | 08:36 am
The live-action/CG hybrid Scooby-Doo made $276 million worldwide for Warner Bros. back in 2002. The sequel, Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, grossed $181 million in 2004. As much as critics dumped...
More Man of Steel related news:
First Image of Henry Cavill’s Superman 5 Aug 2011 | 04:07 am
Superman does love to tear himself through vaults doesn’t he? Henry Cavill in The Man of Steel reboot of the franchise by Zack Snyder. The only thing I don’t like is the scale/pattern on the suit, whi...
Henry Cavill Man Of Steel Workout 2 May 2012 | 06:16 pm
Within this article, I'll be discussing the Henry Cavill workout .
On love triangles and technology 18 Jul 2005 | 09:53 pm
In the good old days, there were machines to help you signal your jealousy, especially when your man-of-steel made out with other women in front of you. But then, sometimes you realised that your com...
Superman and Science 5 Aug 2011 | 06:12 pm
By Lois Gresh and Robert Weinberg When we examine the Man of Steel, we need to remember that, in a sense, we’re examining all the superheroes who follow. Superheroes have always been created with bro...
First Look at the new Superman (Henry Cavill) 9 Aug 2011 | 09:23 pm
I present to you The Man of Steel. He looks a bit different compared to the “traditional” sueprman look. But I think its a good choice. He look darker (not just the tone, but the look and feel of this...
گزارشات تازه درباره ادامه فیلم ۳۰۰ 28 Jun 2011 | 09:01 pm
طبق گزارشاتی که در سال گذشته منتشر شده بود. زک اسنایدر درگیر پروژه Man of Steel است و این قضیه مانع از آن میشود که وی بتواند کارگردانی دنباله فیلم ۳۰۰ را به عهده بگیرد. پیش از این قرار بود که قسمت دوم...
Primer vistazo a Russell Crowe como Jor-El en 'Man of Steel' 5 Oct 2011 | 07:47 am
Primer vistazo a Russell Crowe como Jor-El en 'Man of Steel' The Daily Mail ha publicado las primeras imágenes de Russell Crowe caracterizado como Jor-El en 'Man of Steel', cuyo rodaje está teniendo...
Superman Returns’ Box Office Mojo: Wimpy. Doesn’t The Man of Steel deserve better? 4 Aug 2010 | 01:09 am
I think that most fans of Superman are in favor of elevating the Superman brand with a new movie, likely in 3-D and iMAX. The original Superman movies originally took off on the big screen to big revi...
Superman Logo 19 Apr 2012 | 03:59 am
Végre megjelent egy kézzelfogható bizonyíték arra, hogy a Superman: Man of Steel c. (Superman: Az Acélember) film nemsokára megtekinthető lesz és nagyban folynak az ezzel kapcsolatos munkálatok. A fil...
Henry Cavill – Here comes the Man of Steel! 13 Sep 2011 | 09:48 pm
This wait seems to be stretched, as if till infinity! Come June 14th, 2013 and we would be welcoming actor Henry Cavill as the next Superman! Quite a leap, I must say, from what he used to portray o...