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Kiki Prottsman – Inspired by Math #31 14 Jul 2013 | 07:17 pm
When I interviewed Ken Fan of Girls' Angle I learned about Kiki and her wonderful work. Kiki is passionate about improving people's relationships to computers, beyond basic literacy to programming and...
Is it divisible by 7? Death by regular expression 7 Jun 2013 | 08:33 pm
Here is a fun question at Quora: How does one determine whether a number is evenly divisible by 7? There are some remarkably geeky answers. Those of you who write code might enjoy the second answer, b...
More Math Tricks related news:
The Regifting Robin Trick 11 May 2011 | 06:28 am
My dad recently directed me to a web-site that seems to read your mind using some sort of math trick. He was baffled that it worked every time. He asked me if I could unravel the secret. Fortunately I...
The Regifting Robin Trick 11 May 2011 | 02:28 am
My dad recently directed me to a web-site that seems to read your mind using some sort of math trick. He was baffled that it worked every time. He asked me if I could unravel the secret. Fortunately I...
دانلود برنامه جالب Math Tricks برای اندروید 7 Aug 2012 | 08:35 pm
نرم افزار Math Tricks ؛ یکی از جالب ترین نرم افزارهای مخصوص اندروید بوده که در ایران طرفداران زیادی پیدا کرده است.این نرم افزار با هدف اینکه یک سری از مسائل ریاضی را به صورت ساده و جذاب از طریق آموزش ...
Ultimate Mental Math Trick How To Tell The Day For Any Date 22 Jul 2013 | 04:03 pm
Can you tell the day for any date without a calendar at hand? Is that really possible? It is actually a simple skill that any one can learn. It is also very practical as you may always consider yo...
[Tutorial] Maths Tricks|Aptitude Tricks|Speed Maths|Fast Calculation|mental maths tricks,maths - Current Affairs|Upcoming Exam Notification|Free Schol... 5 Aug 2013 | 11:47 am
[Tutorial] Maths Tricks|Aptitude Tricks|Speed Maths|Fast Calculation|mental maths tricks,maths - Current Affairs|Upcoming Exam Notification|Free Scholarship Updates PLEASE DO THE PRACTICE AND STAY WI...
[Tutorial] Maths Tricks|Aptitude Tricks|Speed Maths|Fast Calculation|mental maths tricks,maths - Current Affairs|Upcoming Exam Notification|Free Schol... 5 Aug 2013 | 11:47 am
[Tutorial] Maths Tricks|Aptitude Tricks|Speed Maths|Fast Calculation|mental maths tricks,maths - Current Affairs|Upcoming Exam Notification|Free Scholarship Updates PLEASE DO THE PRACTICE AND STAY WI...
EasyCal Series of 30 Fast Math Tricks (Vedic Math) 27 Aug 2013 | 04:09 pm
EasyCal Series of 30 Fast Math Tricks (Vedic Math) Format: avi Language: English Size: 236.1 MiB Secret of Fast Math revealed .. (Learn how to calculate faster than the speeding calculator) Is t...
Tutoriales :: EasyCal Series of 30 Fast Math Tricks (Vedic Math) 27 Aug 2013 | 04:49 pm
Autor: Gabryelle Asunto: EasyCal Series of 30 Fast Math Tricks (Vedic Math) Publicado: Mar Ago 27, 2013 6:49 am (GMT -5) EasyCal Series of 30 Fast Math Tricks (Vedic Math) Format: avi Language: En...
EasyCal Series of 30 Fast Math Tricks (Vedic Math) 27 Aug 2013 | 04:48 pm
EasyCal Series of 30 Fast Math Tricks (Vedic Math) Format: avi Language: English Size: 236.1 MiB Secret of Fast Math revealed .. (Learn how to calculate faster than the speeding calculator) Is t...
My Student's Favorite Math Trick! 19 Jul 2013 | 05:35 pm
Here's another example when I can trick a student into doing math and they think it's some kind of magic. Shri Dattathreya Ramachandra Kaprekar, from India spent a lot of time doing recreational math...