Most Michael Douglas related news are at:

Miley Cyrus: Ihr pikanter Auftritt bei den “VMAs” wird parodiert 27 Aug 2013 | 06:57 pm
Mit ihrem Auftritt bei den "VMAs" sorgte Miley Cyrus für reichlich Gesprächsstoff und viele Kontroversen. Comedian Vanessa Bayer parodierte nun den freizügigen Auftritt der Sängerin und machte sich üb...
Rocco Stark: “Kim geht es nicht so gut” 27 Aug 2013 | 02:57 pm
Rocco bestätigte erst kürzlich, dass Kim tatsächlich einen neuen Mann an ihrer Seite habe. Er selbst scheint seiner Ex jedoch nicht mehr hinter her zutrauen. Das wurde schnell klar, als wir mit ihm sp...
More Michael Douglas related news:
Michael Douglas Opens Up About Cancer 2 Sep 2010 | 02:21 pm
Cover Awards Michael Douglas covers this week's issue of People Magazine and talks about the big C... cancer. I was really shocked when I heard he was diagnosed with throat cancer. He's undergoing ra...
Wall Street 2 : Money Never Sleep (2010) 14 Oct 2010 | 02:59 pm
Tanpa terasa, 14 tahun sudah lewat dan tiba saatnya buat Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) untuk kembali menghirup udara segar di luar penjara. Empat tahun di dalam penjara memang telah mengambil segalan...
Chaos plagues Facebook’s IPO 25 May 2012 | 03:57 am
In a tale that is becoming as dramatic as any played out by Michael Douglas in the movie Wall Street, the Facebook IPO has left a trail of carnage and chaos in its wake. The hugely anticipated Faceboo...
David Letterman – Michael Douglas on Having Throat Cancer 29 Apr 2011 | 06:33 am
Michael Douglas reveals to Dave his struggle with throat cancer.
Dress up Gordon Gekko Style Wall Street 2 Money Never Sleeps 28 Nov 2010 | 04:17 am
In the movie Wall Street the antagonist Gordon Gekko brilliantly played by Michael Douglas portrayed everything that a successful and powerful man should be. Money, power, success, and corruption all ...
In Dvd Wall Street 2 12 Mar 2011 | 08:51 pm
In Wall Street 2 ritroviamo Gordon Gekko è di nuovo in pista dopo aver scontato la sua pena detentiva. Bravissimi gli interpreti del film che sono Michael Douglas, Shia Labeouf, Josh Brolin e Carey Mu...
Michael Douglas interviews Joseph Rotblat 14 May 2011 | 05:07 pm
Intro to the second episode in’s “What’s so hard about Peace?” series. Michael Douglas interviews Joseph Rotblat, one of the world’s first nuclear scientists. Rotblat was one of the ...
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps 14 Feb 2011 | 04:54 am
Emerging from a lengthy prison stint, Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) finds himself on the outside of a world he once dominated......Watch Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps on High Definition ! OUT NOW !
Michael Douglas ha vinto il Cancro 12 Jan 2011 | 10:12 pm
Dopo mesi di cure e sofferenza il noto attore sembra aver sconfitto la brutta malattia che lo perseguitava da qualche anno, il cancro alla gola. In un'intervista spiega come dovra comunque effettuare ...
Welcome to "Love Quotes" where we have thousands of Quotes that speak only of love and Quotes on Love 4 Feb 2011 | 12:29 am
"The tumor is gone." -- Michael Douglas, actor, saying he believes he is cancer-free after underdoing treatment for growth on his tongue. Seo Service India "I can move my forehead again." -- Nicole K...