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Microsoft, Skype’yi Satın Alacak 11 May 2011 | 01:18 am
ABD’li yazılım firması olan Microsoft, internet üzerinden kullanıcılara sesli ve görüntülü konuşma olanağı sağlayan Skype’yi 8,5 milyar dolara satın almaya hazırlanıyor. Wall Street Journal’da yer ala...
Skype sur Windows Phone: c’est pour bientôt! 17 Jan 2012 | 11:40 pm
L’application Skype pour Windows Phone semble enfin être proche de la sortie. Rick Osterloh, VP produit de Skype, a révélé que la division Microsoft Skype était en train de «travailler sur un produit...
Skype 5.11 Beta 14 Sep 2012 | 06:06 pm
- Skype. Skype 5.11 Skype Microsoft Facebook, , : Skype Facebook Microsoft (Messenager, Hotmail Xbox), Skype. , Facebook Microsoft Skype . Microsoft- Messenger, Xbox, Hotmail; ... Похожи...
Windows Live Messenger – End of Service 8 Jan 2013 | 11:37 am
Summary: Windows Live Messenger will be retired on March 15th 2013 globally everywhere (except mainland China) Comments: 1. Microsoft Skype is the client replacing Windows Live Messenger 2. Updati...
Windows Live Messenger New Version Prompt Is *Skype* 3 Apr 2013 | 12:06 am
Summary: 1. Windows Live Messenger program informs users that ‘A new version of Messenger is available’ 2. The new version of Messenger is Microsoft Skype Comments: Effective April 8, 2013 Microsof...
O čem mluví ti kdo léta tvrdí, že Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Skype sledují vaše data? :] 8 Jun 2013 | 05:49 pm
Každý někdy v síti internet narazil na spekulace o tom, že americký software gigant Microsoft buďto uživatelé vlastního operačního systému sleduje nebo to alespoň umožňuje třetí straně. Tato spekulace...
Microsoft, Skype, (but not YouTube), and the “One Experience” vision 15 Aug 2013 | 11:46 pm
Today in a blog post on the Windows Experience blog, Microsoft Apps & Services General Manager Ryan Gavin gives us the first glimpse at Microsoft’s marketing direction for its One Experience vision th...
Principal Software Development Engineer - Skype / Microsoft / Redmond, WA 25 Aug 2013 | 03:32 pm
Microsoft/Redmond, WA Location: Redmond, WA, US Job ID: 834704-109671 Division: Skype We are the High Performance Server and Online Services Engineering team in Skype Division at Microsoft. Skype ...
Principal Software Development Engineer - Skype / Microsoft / Redmond, WA 26 Jul 2013 | 07:33 pm
Microsoft/Redmond, WA Location: Redmond, WA, US Job ID: 834704-109671 Division: Skype We are the High Performance Server and Online Services Engineering team in Skype Division at Microsoft. Skype ...
Facebook ответит за американскую разведку 21 Aug 2013 | 03:15 am
Прогремевший в средине лета скандал о сборе персональных данных пользователей с таких электронных сервисов как Yahoo, Microsoft, Skype, Facebook, Google, Apple, YouTube, AOL и PalTalk , который осущес...