Most NYC Scooter Club related news are at:

THE NEW YORK SCOOTER CLUB - WELCOME! 15 Jun 2006 | 12:00 am
The New York Scooter Club’s mission is to help New York-area scooter owners and enthusiasts share information, socialize, and plan group scooter rides and other events. We’re a not-for-profit organiza...
The BlockParty Was a Blast! 14 Jun 2006 | 05:00 am
After two days of rides, events and Peroni, we’re still recovering from all of the fun. Hundreds of scooters of all types made it down to the Monkey for the event, and many new folks joined us for the...
More NYC Scooter Club related news:
NYC Poker Club Stories 28 Jun 2005 | 08:50 am
Game: 1/2 NL, Max buy in = $300. We are 3-4 hours in. Avg. Stack at time = $800 Been playing tight all night, couldn't get comfortable with many hands all night given the consistent pre-flop action a...
THE NEW YORK SCOOTER CLUB - WELCOME! 15 Jun 2006 | 12:00 am
The New York Scooter Club’s mission is to help New York-area scooter owners and enthusiasts share information, socialize, and plan group scooter rides and other events. We’re a not-for-profit organiza...
Rally? Not Really… 12 Jan 2006 | 06:05 am
A message from El Jefe: As we all know there will be no Gotham Rally ’06. The New York Scooter Club is going to take this opportunity to organize a gathering of the local scootering scene and all wi...
New York Scooter Club in the News 30 Dec 2005 | 03:09 am
Hey! New York Newsday has published an article about the increasing popularity of scooters in New York, quoting several of our New York scooter friends. Here is a link to the article. Excerpts: [W]i...
10 heures Scootentole 2013 : les 19 et 20 octobre à Magny-Cours 14 Aug 2013 | 03:02 pm
En octobre, le Rétro Scooter Club nivernais et l'association Scootentole organisent la seconde édition des 10 Heures Scootentole sur le circuit club de Nevers Magny-Cours. Présentation...
Duct Tape Decorated Scooter 26 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Club Chica Circle let her tween daughter update her uncool Barbie scooter with some duct tape. Isn't it so much better to give something a new life instead of buying something new?! See the Duct T...
Dica de Restaurante + Club ! NYC 11 Oct 2011 | 07:39 am
Ola Meninas! Mais uma dica pra quem vai vir para NYC e quer passar por um lugar bacana e cheio de gente bonita. O Butter é um restaurante + club aqui em NYC super badalado. Além de ser um lugar lind...
Hola desde Seseña 22 Jul 2011 | 07:54 am
Buenas a todos/as. Soy Alfredo, como pongo en el titulo, desde Seseña y pertenezco al club Amigos del Scooter y mi intencion es conoceros este año en la concentracion de Septiembre. Un saludo
Borgata Scooter Commercial 19 Apr 2006 | 02:38 am
Continuing the theme, here is a commercial for the Borgata Casino Hotel in Atlantic City that might be new to many of you. Apparently, this was filmed in mid-2003 and for the NYC scooterists that wer...
Bowery Mission Benefit Drawing Auction at the Salmagundi Club, NYC 17 Nov 2010 | 10:14 am
Here are some images from a free drawing demonstration that I did at The Salmagundi Club in NYC in conjunction with the Hard Times Exhibition., I thought that i would auction off the drawing as I did ...