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Lombricoltura: Attività (redditizia) o passatempo? 24 Jul 2013 | 01:13 am
Dopo molto (ma molto) tempo mi ritrovo a scrivere di lombricoltura su questo blog sperando come al solito che queste poche righe possano servire sia a chi legge, per trovare qualche informazione utile...
Plumbago auriculata, un po’ di cielo nel nostro giardino 29 May 2012 | 09:08 pm
Salve a tutti, oggi vi parlo di una pianta a me particolarmente cara, il Plumbago auriculata (conosciuta anche con il sinonimo P. capensis), detta anche “gelsomino azzurro”, anche se con il gelsomino ...
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EMailSender邮件群发管理软件V1.1发布 6 May 2012 | 03:06 pm
一堆杂七杂八的事,把这个软件耽搁了,不再折腾了,也不搞商业版了,以后一直免费更新。软件肯定有很多Bug,大家先凑合着用吧,我会慢慢完善。 PS:请勿将软件用于非法用途,大家不要乱发垃圾邮件,因为乱用软件,带来的后果请自负! V1.1版基本功能介绍: 1、支持分组管理发件箱和收件人,默认使用Access保存数据。为了适应大数据量处理,软件本身支持多种数据库,如sql server , orac...
Acai berry updates for 2010 14 Nov 2010 | 02:51 am
Why is ORAC intake very important for your body.. Is it really important and if so what it is functions and benefits to our body. So i have posted everything you would need to know about orac value a...
Youngevity Healthy Chocolate Free Samples 20 Feb 2012 | 05:35 pm
YGY Healthy Chocolate™ •High ORAC Score at 135000 per Liter – That’s 3994 per ounce! (As Tested by UBE Analytical Laboratories (ID Test# 09-01043) •Contains High-Quality, Antioxidant Rich Cocoa •S...
Daily Fusion 23 Jan 2012 | 11:55 am
Daily Fusion™ A New Revolutionary Ultra Antioxidant Power Drink Mix with the Highest ORAC Score per Serving in the Industry Turn ordinary water into an extraordinary, healthy beverage rich in ant...
Paradise Herbs & Essentials - Orac Energy Greens, 364 g powder 2 May 2012 | 08:20 pm
Servings of Fruits & Vegetables in Every Tablespoon! 100% VEGAN Detoxify & Cleanse * Energize * Rejuvenate * Support Sugar Control & Weight Management * Support Healthy Joints, Bones & Muscles * Suppo...
Zola Brazilian Superfruits Daily Wellness Shot, 32-Servings, 32-Ounce Bottle 2 May 2012 | 08:00 pm
Zola Acai Daily Wellness Shot is a daily dietary supplement that delivers a full daily dose of antioxidants *equal to 3,000 ORAC units per ounce. This delicious and nutritious supplement shot delivers...
Liquid Life – ORAC Value 52,043 9 Jan 2011 | 05:18 am
Liquid Life, the perfect all-in-one vitamins/minerals/supplements source for the active lifestyles that we are leading these days, has been reported to have an ORAC Value of 52,043. ORAC refers to the...
Libre Office è la migliore alternativa a Office della Microsoft. 30 Nov 2011 | 06:28 am
Libre Office ovvero The Document Foundation è un progetto che è nato dagli stessi sviluppatori di Open Office che hanno lasciato visto la mancanza di sviluppo dovuta a delle scelte strategiche di Orac...
UltimateFatburner debunks “High ORAC” ad claims, shares what ORAC really means 31 Oct 2010 | 04:11 am
Great post from UltimateFatburner about the true meaning of the term ORAC, what can affect its ultimate value, and why it’s important to read the label more carefully. It’s probably safe to assume th...
Antioxidants & ORAC: Why you need a greens drink. 28 Nov 2009 | 06:16 am
What exactly is a free radical? Free radicals are atoms, molecules or ions that have lost an electron due to oxidation rendering them ”unstable.” When free radicals interact with certain chemical reac...