Most PLO related news are at:

Análisis avanzado de una mano de Omaha Pot Limit 18 Feb 2013 | 08:39 pm
Al acabar la entrada anterior os deje la siguiente mano para análisis : Datos de los villanos: VPIP/PFR/3Bet/Postflop Agg CO: 69/14/4/2.2 (1050 manos) SB: 61/35/24/3.3 (4000 manos) BB: 27/8/3/2 (11400...
El Omaha Pot Limit:¿Poker recreativo o poker estudioso? 4 Dec 2012 | 09:06 pm
La mayoría de los jugadores que se hayan interesado, de cerca o de lejos al PLO, ya saben que es un juego que ofrece mucha acción. Lo cual también genera un aumento de varianza comparado con el No Lim...
More PLO related news:
Out of the PLO, Now playing the Stud 8, 5K NL report 15 Jun 2007 | 10:46 am
Not much to report. My bust hand i limped behind with (K6)cK5 with 2800 behind, player behind me raised to 400, limper calls, I call. Flop is J74, with two clubs. I bet the pot, the original raiser r...
Tips for a proper PLO strategy 19 Apr 2012 | 10:29 pm
Tips for a proper PLO strategy Omaha is a complex game that requires an ability and proper strategy to win in this card game. A critical key factor within the proper PLO strategy – as for every card...
How to play Omaha 19 Apr 2012 | 03:17 am
How to play Omaha As for every card games it is the first step to learn how to play the game and learn the rules. I guess the Pot Limit Omaha Rules and PLO basics are already known by most readers to...
Skin Microbes Affect How Attractive We Are To Mosquitoes, Study Suggests 30 Dec 2011 | 06:10 pm
Are you a mosquito magnet? It might be because of the microbes living on your skin, according to new research. A small new study in the journal PLoS ONE suggests that the communities of microbes on ou...
The spam mail in your inbox could be a terrorist’s handiwork 7 Feb 2009 | 05:47 am
Watch out! The spam mail that just hit your inbox could be a encrypted information from a terrorist to his companions. With terrorists using internet and other communication technologies to plan, plo...
PLoS: Currents / Disasters Live on Annotum 21 Mar 2012 | 02:02 pm
We’re happy to announce that the Public Library of Science has launched the first PLoS: Currents section, PLoS: Currents Disasters on a self-hosted WordPress site using the Annotum platform. PLoS to...
Odkrycie genu szansą na męską antykoncepcję 28 May 2012 | 10:09 pm
Dzięki odkryciu genu odpowiedzialnego za wytwarzanie zdrowych plemników może się udać stworzenie pigułki antykoncepcyjnej dla mężczyzn - informuje pismo "PLos Genetics"
WORLD’S SMALLEST CHAMELEON 17 Feb 2012 | 11:02 am
The World's Smallest Chameleon Has Been Found On Madagascar. Photos:Glaw, F., et al., PLoS ONE New Species May Be The World’s Smallest Reptiles As Well As The Tiniest Chameleons Scientists who ...
Species Diversity and Distribution Patterns of the Ants of Amazonian Ecuador 5 Oct 2010 | 05:12 am
So, if you've ever wondered what it is I have been doing for the past 10 years, a big chunk of it was just published in PLoS ONE. You can read the whole article here. Species Diversity and Distribut...
Nascere una settimana prima aumenta rischi 10 Jun 2010 | 07:30 am
Basta nascere con una sola settimana di anticipo per avere un rischio aumentato di problemi fisici, dalla sordita’ all’autismo. Lo afferma una ricerca scozzese pubblicata dalla rivista Plos Medicine, ...