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为什么我从来不向身边的人“大力推广比特币”? 4 Jul 2013 | 08:58 am
别问我比特币的事儿。 几百年前,有个人叫Blaise Pascal,用逻辑论证了“相信上帝更划算”(Pascal's Wager): 要么相信上帝、要么不信上帝 以上二者必选其一 看看具体情况吧: 如果上帝真的存在,相信他显然是对的,而且好处大大的; 要是他并不存在,相信他也不能怎么样,其实也看不出有太大的坏处; 要是他并不存在,不相信他倒也是对的,可也没什么好处; 可是,如果上帝...
比特币慈善募捐——芦山地震赈灾(最后落实阶段) 21 Jun 2013 | 03:08 pm
这次募捐,真切地让我明白了做点好事有多么不容易。也真切地明白了对于支持我的人我应该感激到怎样的一个程度。 先是拜托一位网易的朋友(他第一时间赶到了芦山)帮忙找可资助的项目,可是,连续前后两次,他返回的消息都是一样的:这次超捐了,33,000人民币是个小数目,不太好捐……更不太容易直接落实到被捐助者手里。 几经周折,我向一位前新东方同事杜昶旭求助——因为他是雅安出生的。他帮我联系到一位他的高中同...
More Pedigree related news:
On Your Dog's Coat 7 Mar 2012 | 09:48 pm
These coupons in this Pedigree dry dog food provide recommended daily allowances for different types based on a good food required to maintain free stuff in such offers. There is no doubt that finding...
PACKARD BELL EasyNote TSX66-HR-055UK 15.6″ Laptop Review 4 Aug 2011 | 03:38 am
Product Ratings The PACKARD BELL EasyNote TSX66-HR-055UK laptop comes with a top pedigree of components making it one of the top end machines available within the reach of many. Its being sold across ...
Unde gasesc : vand rottweiler catei 30 May 2012 | 07:07 pm
vand catei rottweiler,parintii au pedigree ,relatii si rezervari la telefon,pret negociabil... Detalii Original post of Unde gasesc. Vote for this post on .
Telemundo adaptará la telenovela brasileña Fina estampa 15 May 2012 | 05:49 pm
Telemundo junto con TV Globo coproducirán una adaptación de la telenovela brasileña Fina Estampa. Sinopsis telenovela “Fina estampa” (Fine Pedigree) Después de que su esposo aparentemente desaparece e...
Adopt a cross-breed or pedigree? 23 Jan 2012 | 04:30 pm
Before you adopt a cat, you must know there are 3 different types of cats as well: pedigree, cross-breed and non-pedigree. A cat’s character is not necessarily determined by its breed, but more by the...
Pedigree Dog Food Coupons – Printable Coupons for 2012 27 Feb 2012 | 12:27 pm
Printable Pedigree dry dog food coupons can’t easily be found in the newspaper even if you get a whole host of different types of junk mail even those specific to dogs and so forth, it’s going to be v...
Focus sur : Aida Samb 22 May 2012 | 08:22 pm
Aida Samb est une chanteuse que j’ai découverte récemment. Elle est jeune (24 ans) très belle et a une superbe voix. Elle a un CV impressionnant .Coté pedigree, elle est la … Lire la suite →
About Us 12 Aug 2008 | 09:26 pm
Quality Used Car Stock Variety - AUTO PEDIGREE Auto Pedigree houses the largest second hand, quality used car vehicle stock pool in the country. All our quality used cars are late-model, low mileage ...
Every Shallow Cut by Tom Piccirilli 13 Oct 2011 | 06:33 am
Despite having a pedigree from the edgy-as-hell horror community, Tom Piccirilli ultimately doesn’t have a gonzo bone in his body as far as I can tell. In recent years, at least, he writes taut, contr...
Leupold GX-1 Digital Golf Rangefinder 2 May 2012 | 11:40 pm
This rangefinder lives up to Leupold's remarkable pedigree, an dwill deliver years of reliable, effective service. With 7 pre-loaded reticle options, Leupold's exclusive PinHunter Laser Tech...