Most Phil Russell related news are at:

Val Hoffinger 7 May 2013 | 09:12 am
Who was the first Russian born player in the history of the National Hockey League? Here's a hint: it is not one of more modern Soviet players. A lot of people believe the answer to be Chicago's John...
Ron Murphy 8 Feb 2013 | 03:39 am
Ron Murphy was a useful utility forward for nearly 900 NHL games. He was a Stanley Cup champion (1961) and a Memorial Cup champion (1952). But fans remember him mostly for an infamous and vicious stic...
More Phil Russell related news:
Paid Ads Free Review – Andrew X / Phil Mansour 10 Oct 2011 | 08:28 am
Here is my review of the Paid Ads Free Program Paid Ads Free is a strategy – a clever strategy – that allows virtually anyone to place PAID ADS for FREE on high traffic websites, virtually in any nic...
The Hangover Part II (2011) 9 Apr 2011 | 10:27 pm
Phil, Stu, and Alan travel to Bangkok for Stu’s wedding only to find themselves in another post-blackout misadventure. Director: Todd Phillips Writers: Craig Mazin, Scot Armstrong Stars: Bradley Co...
Christmas Name Changes 2 Dec 2011 | 07:14 pm
Note: Stolen from Phil. For new comers, the idea behind this is to change your name to something more festive. Before you get name-happy, read very carefully, so you don't get stuck with a crappy na...
Queens get the money! 19 Nov 2010 | 09:54 am
New Music & Video (Directed by Phil the god) - "Shook Ones" (Freestyle) Enjoy! Download the track --> HERE Shoutout to the big homie Premo!
Dworzec ZOO - Downing David 30 May 2012 | 12:53 pm
Gdańsk, rok 1938.Nad Europą gęstnieją chmury nazistowskiego szaleństwa, które już wkrótce pogrąży świat w krwawym chaosie.Dziennikarz John Russel, mieszkający w Niemczech, z rosnącym niepokojem obserw...
Evernote’s CEO Phil Libin on how to build a successful app 20 Jan 2011 | 08:21 pm
Read carefully – somewhere in this text you’ll find a small surprise. How did Evernote come up with the idea for a “universal memory”? Evernote’s CEO Phil Libin explains why Evernote is a good tool f...
Otis Funkmeyer Gets Interviewed and Gets Deep 18 May 2010 | 01:27 pm
So I got interviewed by my man Liquid Metal. You should for sure read his article here. What I’m gonna do for you is give you the raw, uncut, unedited version that I gave him. Read this to get my phil...
Кэти Перри обручилась с британским комиком 8 Jan 2010 | 06:10 am
Кэти Перри (Katy Perry) – известная певица из США приняла предложение руки и сердца от своего бой-френда Рассела Бренда (Russell Brand). Молодые люди на Рождество поехали в Индию. Эту романтическую по...
Russell Spence Photography 6 Feb 2011 | 11:15 am
I’ve recently got into amateur photography, picking myself up a Canon 550D digital SLR and snapping away on a variety of trips over the past few months. In that light, Russell Spence has just launche...
A new start 24 Nov 2009 | 11:53 am
It has been a long time since my last post here. Now I have already started my M.Phil. life at HKUST and I'm really glad that I have the chance. I've got used to the new research life and my labmates ...