Most Riff related news are at:

20.6// DIE LEHRAMTPARTY @ RIFF CLUB BOCHUM// am 20.06.2013 um 23:00 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
DIE LEHRAMT- PARTY ! Bochums einzige und größte Lehramt - Party am 20.Juni im RIFF ! Egal ob Grundschule, Sek I oder Sek II ....Bevor es in die wohlverdienten Sommerferien geht, feiern wir mit euch ...
Scudetto am 11.07.2013 um 19:30 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Scudetto-Abend: Deutschlandpremiere - Immer Höher! Bestseller-Autor Ronald Reng kommt zusammen mit dem ehemaligen Spieler und Trainer des VfL Bochum, Heinz Höher, zu einer Deutschland-Premiere ins Ri...
More Riff related news:
WebP - Google New Web Image Format 2 Oct 2010 | 01:53 am
Google just released new image format for Web, called WebP.The new WebP format can save 40% smaller from regular JPG format.It is based on the VP8 image data format with a container based on RIFF.for ...
Learn Cool Riffs The Easy Way With Riffmaster Pro 5 Apr 2010 | 11:03 am
Have you ever found yourself trying to learn riffs by ear, but the part you are trying to learn is just a little too fast to follow? Not easy is it? What is so frustrating is that you are trying to l...
Theatre Review: Mother Goose, Brunton Theatre, Musselburgh 20 Dec 2010 | 10:39 am
★★★★★ Fully embracing the tried and trusted panto formula – the knowing recycling of a classic fairytale with a familiar riff on tried and tested jokes giving them momentum – Brunton Theatre may not ...
Say it with us: wee-CHEE-kuh 10 Apr 2010 | 08:39 am
There’s rarely a moment around the Home Offices when music is not playing. Sure, it may range from our youngest team member banging out a primary-colored glock riff to the Jackson Five to a full on d...
Life 29 Apr 2012 | 10:23 pm
This blog post has been optimized using Keyword Winner View on Amazon As lead guitarist of the Rolling Stones, Keith Richards created the riffs, the lyrics, and the songs that roused the world. A tr...
Coolest Nail Art Designs 16 Oct 2011 | 07:44 pm
Coral Nail Art Design That coral could probably replace the need for a fork! Christmas Nail Art Design Christmas time by Janet Riffe Candy Nail Art Design Hello Kitty Nail Art Design Of course, ...
On The Edge – Z.Gilby & A.Champion 22 Mar 2011 | 04:24 am
“Looking Glass” Featuring: Noel Dennis – Trumpet Mark Williams – Guitar Andy Champion – Double Bass Richard Brown – Drums Zoe Gilby – Vocals It was the melodic riff that came to first and it sp...
Spanish Riff Guitar Lesson (tab & Guitar Pro) 4 Apr 2012 | 05:58 am
In this lesson I teach you how to play a neat little Latin-Spanish guitar riff in A minor. The riff uses a fingerstyle technique along with hammer-on’s, pull-off’s, trills, slides, and vibrato. This i...
Synthulator v0.2 released (says 1.0 in Market but I'll fix that...) 1 Sep 2009 | 07:10 pm
Yay! It's finally out there, though it's full of bugs. You can make nifty wee riffs and loops though, and that's something. To get up and running, go to the Market app on your Android phone and do a ...
Ratt Lay It Down Main Riff Guitar Lesson 23 Apr 2012 | 06:07 pm
Learn how to play Lay It Down Main Riff by Ratt Guitar Lesson – Ratt is an American rock band that had significant commercial success in the 1980s. The band is best known for songs such as “Round and ...