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User talk:Waihorace 27 Aug 2013 | 06:25 am
機器人 ←上一版本 2013年8月27日 (二) 01:25的版本 第90行: 第90行: 我看了一下用戶權限,你好像沒有機器人權限耶 — [[User:Ou0430|Ou0430]] ([[User talk:Ou0430|留言]]) - [[WN:ALERT|找管理員]] 我看了一下用戶權限,你好像沒有機器人權限耶 — [[User:Ou0430|Ou04...
2013年8月12日香港天氣報告 26 Aug 2013 | 01:18 pm
Waihorace保护“2013年8月12日香港天氣報告” [edit=sysop] (无限期) [move=sysop] (无限期) 存档保护
More Saddam Hussein related news:
Sad? Dam, No! 6 Nov 2006 | 07:00 am
So, it has been decided that Saddam Hussein will hang. No nucular weapons around yet, but one more monster down. The verdict brought back memories of another hanging, carried out more than sixteen yea...
Democratie cu sila 21 Oct 2011 | 07:30 am
Americanii au instalat democracy în Iraq prin ștreangul de care atârna Saddam Hussein... Astăzi a mai căzut un temut și longeviv dictator, Al Quaddafi, de astă dată în Libia. Ce ar fi de zis? Că popo...
Iraq elections in disarray after court ruling 5 Feb 2010 | 05:52 am
The candidates were banned because they are affiliated with Saddam Hussein's Baath party which ruled the country before the invasion in 2003. The Iraqi government has condemned the court's decision a... 3 Mar 2003 | 11:55 pm
DAN RATHER E O ÓSCAR PARA MELHOR ACTOR: Não tínhamos visto ainda a entrevista a Saddam Hussein, o Democrata. Quase que chorava. O Óscar para melhor actor este ano está bem entregue.
‘Saddam Hussein’ satellite channel to be launched!! 27 Oct 2009 | 07:44 am
Few days ago I heard in the news on Al-Arbia satellite channel that a channel named " Saddm Hussein" is about to be launched. What the heck!! Is that going to be his ghost haunting Iraqis? Why do they...
George W. Bush 1 Sep 2009 | 03:16 am
According to Sig Christenson, on 11-Nov-1997, George Bush defended his father's decision during the Gulf War not to remove Saddam Hussein. There are a lot of Americans (who say), 'Why didn't you go ge...
Condoleezza Rice 25 Aug 2006 | 02:18 am
Airing July 29, 2001, CNN Late Edition With Wolf Blitzer: I can be certain of this, and the world can be certain of this: Saddam Hussein is on the radar screen for the administration. The administrati...
*New* Dictator Movie 25 Sep 2011 | 04:45 am
Sacha Baron Cohen is currently filming his latest film The Dictator. Set to be released in May 2011, The Dictator movie is a film loosely based on a novel by Saddam Hussein.
The Words Speak for Themselves: 19 May 2011 | 06:34 pm
This is from an email circular. Thanks to R.M.! George W. Bush speech after the capture of Saddam Hussein: The success of yesterday's mission is a tribute to our men and women now serving in Iraq. T...
Videos - Irak/Libye, même manipulation mensongère + photos de la Libération bouchère de Sarkozy 6 Sep 2011 | 04:40 pm
Nous assistons avec la Libye à la même manipulation qu'avec l'Irak. Tout a été orchestré, depuis le début. Remettez-vous en mémoire le déboulonnage de la statue de Saddam Hussein qui était, soit-disan...