Most Sage ACT import related news are at:

New Security options for Handheld Contact 14 Aug 2013 | 01:26 pm
As mobile demands grow, so do security concerns, and organizations using Handheld Contact have been asking for more control over their ACT! CRM data. Limiting features and data access is an excellent...
ACT! still a top 5 CRM <100 employees #ACTCRM 2 May 2013 | 07:18 am
Now that the dust is starting to settle from the recent purchase of ACT! and SalesLogix from Sage, I was doing some research to see where ACT!’s standing is in the CRM market and came across some figu...
More Sage ACT import related news:
L’assurance selon Guillaume Jalenques de Labeau 23 Nov 2011 | 11:47 am
L’assurance vie Souscrire à une assurance vie est un acte important. Que l’on soit marié ou célibataire, et que l’on soit parent ou non, une police d’assurance vie constitue toujours des décisions co...
Sage ACT! CRM Software Review 31 Dec 2011 | 11:50 am
Sage ACT! is one of the most favored and affordable CRM programs around, with millions of consumers around an array of vertical marketplaces. This particular Customer Relationship Management solution ...
Sage ACT! Pro 2011 [Old Version] 17 Feb 2012 | 06:35 pm
FEATURED Sage ACT! Pro 2011 [Old Version] The number 1 selling contact and customer management solution for over 20 years Easily access a complete, integrated view of your contact relationships int...
Sage ACT Premium v. HF1 14 Feb 2011 | 07:51 pm
Sage ACT Premium v. HF1 | 334 Mb ACT! a convenient, easily cultivated contact management system with broad functionality and customization. In the main sections of the system includes: a ba...
SAGE Act! 2012 mit Google Funktionen 26 Jun 2012 | 06:43 pm
ACT! 2012 hält alle Notizen, Kontakte und Kalendereinträge über verschiedene Endgeräte und Plattformen hinweg aktuell Ab sofort ist ACT! 2012, die Kunden-Management-Software (CRM) für kleine und mitt...
Stonefield Query for Sage ACT! Version 4.3 22 Jan 2013 | 09:04 pm
We are pleased to announce the release of version 4.3 of Stonefield Query for Sage ACT!. Here are the new features in this version. Stonefield Query for ACT! has been renamed to Stonefield Query for ...
Enquête / les intermédiaires en Banque, assurance et finance, une profession méconnue 26 Mar 2013 | 04:25 pm
Enquête sur les intermédiaires en banque, assurance et finance. Faire le choix d'une banque, d'un contrat d'assurance vie, ou encore d'un placement financier, est un acte important pour lequel s'appu...
Sage ACT! Pro 2013 Special Offer 29 Apr 2013 | 07:25 pm
Sage ACT! Pro 2013 Special Offer...
SAGE Act! 2012 mit Google Funktionen 26 Jun 2012 | 03:43 pm
ACT! 2012 hält alle Notizen, Kontakte und Kalendereinträge über verschiedene Endgeräte und Plattformen hinweg aktuell Ab sofort ist ACT! 2012, die Kunden-Management-Software (CRM) für kleine und mitt...
British Stars We Love This 2013 20 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Our mates from UK have flocked the American shores these past few years, and we’re not really complaining. Check out some of our favorite British acts/imports! 1. HENRY CAVILL Mr. Cavill is the hunk...