Most Scrapbook Werkstatt related news are at:

Can do…but don’t have to! 27 Aug 2013 | 09:49 am
or in German: Kann ich…muss ich aber nicht. A theme that I should take more serious sometimes ;) I had heaps of fun with this one The stamp set I found again while sorting through my studio –...
Insane in the Membrane or…Short Trip to Paris 25 Aug 2013 | 09:43 am
Last Thursday my husband and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary and as we desperately needed a break from packing, sorting, preparing for over-the-pond-move and working…my husband came up wi...
More Scrapbook Werkstatt related news:
3-2-1 Meins! 26 Aug 2013 | 10:32 am
Before leaving, I'd quickly like to share another layout I made with Scrapbook Werkstatt's September kit: Bevor ich losmuss, wollte ich gerne noch ein weiteres Layout zeigen, das ich mit dem Septembe...
Layout And News 24 Aug 2013 | 12:50 am
Hello! Here comes the first layout using the upcoming September kit from Scrapbook Werkstatt: Hallo! Hier kommt das erste Layout das ich mit dem kommenden Septemberkit der Scrapbook Werkstatt gemacht...
Banner Birthday Card 26 Jul 2013 | 10:59 pm
This card was made with Scrapbook Werkstatt's August kit "Sommerromanze": Diese Karte habe ich mit dem Scrapbook Werkstatt Augustkit "Sommerromanze" gemacht: The kit will be available here shortly. ...
Moving -- ! 2 Aug 2010 | 03:16 pm
I'm moving this blog to my main personal blog. Now that I have a separate blog for scrapbooking, and for my business, I've decided that maintaining two personal blogs is just too much. I've already mo...
Finished Photobook 9 Apr 2010 | 08:00 pm
039. Make a scrapbook for someone else COMPLETED! I actually finished this photobook back in the beginning of January. However, I was on vacation until the end of February and was not able to ship it ...
new kawaii stamps! 22 Jan 2010 | 06:59 am
lots of new cute stamps available today! for anyone who scrapbooks, makes cards, crafters, and our kawaii friends! :)
Scrapblog loves BAM POP! 31 Jan 2009 | 11:53 am
that's right, we are in cahoots with scrapblog. they are some of the raddest people who have built the raddest application for digital scrapbooking. go check it out!
How To Include Your Scrapbooking Memorabilia On Your Scrapbook. 3 Jan 2012 | 05:30 pm
Scrappers loves to hold onto scrapbooking memorabilia and mementos. Envelopes and scrapbooking - what a beautiful union. It's no surprise that scrappers are using envelopes in their layouts. Not only ...
Your Personal Scrapbook Ideas: How to Create. 24 Dec 2011 | 04:46 pm
If you are looking for a creative scrapbook ideas you should read this article. If "a picture's worth a thousand words", then imagine the power of a thousand pictured words. Sometimes pictures keep se...
Scrapbook Ideas for a Themed Scrapbook. 13 Sep 2011 | 10:36 pm
A themed scrapbook can be created with one theme. This scrapbooks can be dedicated to a specific event or occasion, such as: Trips: vacations, cruises, camping, skiing School: first day, graduation,...