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Золотая и серебряная «живая» вода 27 Aug 2013 | 03:35 pm
Как говорится в сказке, есть вода живая, а есть мертвая. Чтобы вдохнуть жизнь в обычную водопроводную воду, понадобится совсем немного: кастрюлька, огонь и серебряное или золотое украшение. Сегодня дл...
Техника эмоционального освобождения 27 Aug 2013 | 12:52 pm
Как известно, новое – это хорошо забытое старое. В одном из тренингов по работе мозга познакомилась с техникой эмоционального освобождения, или меридианного простукивания. Проведя несколько сеансов, о...
More sex and the city related news:
Look Mighty Fine in these designer Toy Story 3 t-shirts 16 Jul 2010 | 12:00 pm
This year seems to be dominated by tie-in products. Sex and the City 2 has had everything from HP computers to dresses, while Twilight has had its own range of clothing debut at Nordstrom. But the mos...
Sex and the city 2 17 Apr 2010 | 02:06 am
Ce n'est pas vraiment de la lingerie mais elle en fera forcément partie donc nous vous présentons la bande annonce étendue de Sex and the City 2 qui sortira fin mai au cinéma.
Fashion. Fun. Friendship. And more fashion. 26 May 2010 | 11:44 am
My friend and I went to the Sex and The City 2 Gala Premiere last night. It was indeed a fun movie to watch. Bear in mind this movie is all about fashion and comedy among girlfriends. Don't try to fin...
Sex in the City 21 Aug 2009 | 06:11 pm
Sex in the City is a mixed media painting. I used vintage book pages from a 1960's Sex Education textbook.
Sex and The City 2 / Datidens sex and the city! 8 Jun 2010 | 06:56 am
Vist finnes det en link mellom dagens sex and the city og datidens sex and the city fellesnevneren her er glamour og sex og moteriktig kledd. For selv om vi liker og tor at det er disse fire jentene f...
Sixx 11 May 2010 | 04:06 am
SIXX ist der neue Frauensender der Pro Sieben Sat 1 Media AG. Seit Freitag dem 7. Mai ist der Kanal SIXX auf Sendung. Begonnen hat die Ausstrahlung mit dem Spielfilm “Sex and the City”, die zudem eine...
Het voorrecht arm te zijn 30 Jan 2011 | 11:56 am
Djeessus, moeten we hier naar kijken?! Gezellig hoor, op vrijdagavond. Een beetje naar zielige Afrikaantjes kijken. Is er geen leuke film of zo? Weet je wat we ook kunnen doen? Sex in the city-maratho...
Turn up 30 Nov 2008 | 04:23 am
If someone or something turns up, they appear or are found, either after a long time or when you are not expecting them. Some Excerpts: From TV shows, movies and novels Sex and the City Tatum O’Ne...
Rip off 30 Nov 2008 | 03:44 am
The phrasal verb “rip off sth” or “rip sth off” means to remove a piece of clothing very quickly and carelessly. Some Excerpts: From TV shows, movies and novels Sex and the City Sarah Jessica Park...
Sight for sore eyes 30 Nov 2008 | 03:24 am
A sight for sore eyes is a a way of saying that you think someone is very attractive. Some Excerpts: From TV shows, movies and novels Sex and the City James Remar(Richard Wright) used the phrase “...