Most Slackware related news are at:

Redmine e apache via fcgi 21 Jul 2013 | 09:28 pm
Possibili problemi: aggiunta config per debug: ← Versione meno recente Versione delle 16:28, 21 lug 2013 (3 revisioni intermedie di un utente non mostrate) Riga 52: Riga 52: == Step 1: scaricar...
Redmine e apache via fcgi 20 Jul 2013 | 06:33 am
Step 2: installare i requisiti pacchetti ruby e libyaml per Slackware 13.37: ← Versione meno recente Versione delle 01:33, 20 lug 2013 (Una revisione intermedia di un utente non mostrate) Riga 75...
More Slackware related news:
Hosting Control Panel – Mantis 5 Aug 2010 | 04:29 am
A follow up to our previous blog regarding Slackware and our development of a new hosting control panel. We’re now well underway in building the control panel that we’ve codenamed: Mantis. Features: -...
Slackware, The love affair 8 Jul 2010 | 09:44 am
One of my earliest memories of Linux was of slackware. The hardcore distro, the most unix-like Linux of all Linuxes, it enshrined my geekyness. Our revered maestro is Pat Volkerding. Linux is widespre...
Slackware 12.2 disponível 13 Dec 2008 | 02:01 am
“Foi anunciado ontem o lançamento do Slackware 12.2. Essa versão conta com o kernel, KDE 3.5.10 (o KDE4 vai ficar para o Slackware 13, de acordo com Patrick) e diversos outros updates. Vale a... - KDE version 4.1 is now part of Slackware -current 18 Sep 2008 | 05:06 am
Está no site Oficial do Slacksware - KDE version 4.1 is now part of Slackware -current. Os amantes desta distribuição poderão na próxima versão contar com o KDE4.1 para utilização. O trecho traduzid...
Apa itu Backtrack? | What is Backtrack? 9 Jan 2012 | 07:22 am
Backtrack Salah satu distro linux yang merupakan turunan dari slackware yang mana merupakan merger dari whax dan auditor security collection. Backtrack dua dirilis pada tanggal 6 maret 2007 yang mema...
Sizzlers Coupons At Cheap Price 7 May 2012 | 12:00 pm
This article is taken from website. Sizzlers Coupons Image by slackware via Flickr Sizzlers coupons make tasty food cheaper The Sizzlers is a restaurant where y...
It’s Just an Exciting Week in Linux World 1 Apr 2011 | 01:52 am
Linux is more often than not exciting, however in the past week it brought some nice improvements. Slackware stated yet another developmental landmark for their coming version. Bodhi Linux attained 1....
Bienvenido a cosaslibres 4 Nov 2011 | 06:45 am
Bienvenido a cosaslibres, cambiando para mejorar…. Es un portal destinado a la divulgación de Linux, y sus distribuciones como Ubuntu, Red Hat, Mandriva, Debian, Slackware, LibreOffice y otros temas ...
Установка Soft RAID1 на Linux SlackWare 12.2 21 Dec 2009 | 09:13 pm
Raid - (англ. redundant array of independent/inexpensive disks ? избыточный массив независимых/недорогих жёстких дисков) ? массив из нескольких дисков, управляемых контроллером, взаимосвязанных скорос...
John McLaughlin - Peace Piece 6 Aug 2006 | 07:13 pm
"Ubuntu is an ancient african word means 'I can't configure slackware'" (c) "Slackware is an ancient african word that means 'I don't have a girlfriend and I can't find one'" (c)