Most Sleek Makeup related news are at:

Our Wedding : The Good, The Bad, The Ugly 2 Mar 2013 | 12:00 am
Planning a wedding is serious stuff. You don't want your hard earned money ~ and let's face it, it's a lot of money ~ to be wasted on an unreliable company. To be honest, you don't want that at any ev...
Favourite Products ~ February 2013 28 Feb 2013 | 12:30 pm
Hello *waves* ~ it's been a few weeks! {Those of you who follow me on Twitter may already know, but my father in law sadly passed away on January 24th. I took a step back from the Internet to comfort...
More Sleek Makeup related news:
Things I love this week #1 19 Feb 2012 | 05:36 am
As I have a few moments, a small person is asleep on my lap, my thoughts dwell on items in my cosmetics which I particularly love this week! Sleek MakeUP's LASH OUT mascara. I am so surprised by this...
Paletele Sleek Makeup Ultra Matte acum in Romania la MyaShop! 10 May 2012 | 09:20 pm
Nou la MyaShop! Paletele Sleek V1 si V2 sunt disponibile acum la pentru pre-comanda ! Pentru a rezerva produsele te rugam sa lansezi chiar acum comanda ta online. Comenzile vor fi pro....
Reduceri Sleek Makeup! 23 Feb 2012 | 01:44 am
Iarna este pe aer se simte deja miros de primavara! Numai bine pentru o noua campanie de reduceri!!! Profita de aceasta promotie si grabeste venirea primaverii in trusa ta de makeup :)....
Paleta Sleek Makeup Oh So Special - Swatch 19 Feb 2012 | 12:11 am
• Design simplu si elegant, carcasa din plastic negru si mat; • 12 farduri de pleoape intr-o singura trusa; • In interior este prevazuta cu aplicator cu 2 capete din burete; • Selectie de pulberi moi ...
Paletele Sleek Makeup Ultra Matte acum in Romania la MyaShop! 10 May 2012 | 09:05 pm
Nou la MyaShop! Paletele Sleek V1 si V2 sunt disponibile acum la pentru pre-comanda ! Pentru a rezerva produsele te rugam sa lansezi chiar acum comanda ta online. Comenzile vor fi proce...
Reduceri Sleek Makeup! 24 Feb 2012 | 01:13 am
Iarna este pe aer se simte deja miros de primavara! Numai bine pentru o noua campanie de reduceri!!! Profita de aceasta promotie si grabeste venirea primaverii in trusa ta de makeup ...
la MyaShop continua reducerile....trusele Sleek doar 29.99 lei 20 Jan 2012 | 08:23 am ofera SUPER REDUCERI la toate trusele Sleek Makeup. Promotia este limitata!!! Comanda acum: index.php?cPath=41_58 MyaShop on Facebook
30% REDUCERE pentru rujurile Sleek Makeup! 18 Jan 2012 | 03:29 am
Barely There, Stiletto, Peaches & Cream, Bare All...toate, absolut toate rujurile Sleek Makeup True Color beneficiaza de pret promotional numai la !!!! -30% REDUCERE http://www.mya...
#8: Sleek Makeup - Lidschatten Palette - Nr. 601 i-Divine Au Naturel 13 Jul 2012 | 06:58 am
Sleek Makeup - Lidschatten Palette - Nr. 601 i-Divine Au Naturel von Sleek Makeup Neu kaufen: EUR 8,25 (In der Meistgewünschte Artikel in Hautpflege-Liste finden Sie maßgebliche Informationen über d...
#6: Sleek Makeup - Lidschatten Palette - Nr. 601 i-Divine Au Naturel 11 Jul 2012 | 01:34 pm
Sleek Makeup - Lidschatten Palette - Nr. 601 i-Divine Au Naturel von Sleek Makeup Neu kaufen: EUR 7,95 (In der Meistgewünschte Artikel in Hautpflege-Liste finden Sie maßgebliche Informationen über d...