Most Tae Bo related news are at:

PIX11 Health & Wellness Expo! 4 Oct 2012 | 11:45 am
PIX11 HEALTH & WELLNESS EXPO RETURNS TO JACOB JAVITS CONVENTION CENTER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27TH FROM 11A-5P Fitness Classes, Seminars, Health Screenings, Celebrity Guests, Book Signings, Vendors, Giveaw...
September Recert Camp in Franklin, TN!! 24 Sep 2012 | 11:17 am
It was a great weekend full of stepping out of our comfort zones, learning new techniques and fun! Sign up for a certification camp now at!
More Tae Bo related news:
Kursplanänderung! 4 May 2012 | 12:42 am
Ab Heute, den 3. Mai findet der Tae Bo Kurs um 19.00 Uhr statt! (ursprünglich vom Sonntag) Matze bleibt euch natürlich erhalten!! Euer LASANTA TEAM
Sport Si Dieta: Kiwi, Ceai Verde si Inot 26 Oct 2011 | 05:35 am
Este stiut faptul ca cele mai mari consumatoare de calorii sunt sporturile aerobe, indeosebi inotul, fotbalul, tae bo si chiar si jogging-ul. Chiar daca asa-zisii experti recomanda exercitiile de la s...
Billy Blanks Tae Bo Amped DVD Set 10 Jan 2011 | 06:41 pm
Comprehensive exercise bundle from world-renowned Tae Bo creator Billy Blanks Includes 5 heart-pounding, full-length DVDs for attaining toned and sculpted body Combines short, intense “cardio bursts...
Norbi - Fitness Kickbox 1-2 5 May 2012 | 09:33 pm
Norbi - Fitness Kickbox 1. DVDrip, szinkronos Hossz: kb. 48 perc "Mi is a Fitness Kickbox?! - 3500 éves mozgáskultúra az új évezred tömegsportjában a TAE BO elemeinek továbbfejlesztése a karate, kun...
Santa Teresita Verano 2008 19 Jan 2008 | 02:07 am
Santa Teresita Verano 2008 * Actividades Deportivas - Verano 2008 Horario: Todos los días Actividades recreativas: aeróbic, tae-bo, salsa, etc. de 14 a 19 hs. Actividades saludables: caminatas, ar...
Las Toninas Verano 2008 19 Jan 2008 | 02:05 am
Las Toninas Verano 2008 * Actividades deportivas en la playa Lugar: Balneario Gondwana, Av. Costanera e/ 38 y 40 Actividades recreativas: aeróbic, tae-bo, salsa, etc. de 14 a 19 hs. de mie a dom T...
San Clemente del Tuyú Verano 2008 19 Jan 2008 | 02:00 am
San Clemente del Tuyú Verano 2008 * Actividades deportivas en playa Actividades recreativas: aeróbic, tae-bo, salsa, etc. Lugar: Balneario el Delfín, Av. Costanera y 16 14 a 19 hs. de mie a dom Ac...
Tae Bo Girl Dress Up 17 Sep 2011 | 02:00 am
This cute girl loves to practice many sports, but her favorite is tae bo, a special aerobic exercise routine that helps her keep her body healthy and beautiful. Give her a cute look for another tae bo...
Public Service Announcement for Japan from Billy Blanks 26 Mar 2011 | 04:16 am
Each week Billy Blanks will give you workout tips from his world-renowned Tae Bo Fitness. Stay tuned and don’t forget to share this with your friends!
Billy Blanks PT 24/7 – Get What You Need To Get Done 18 Mar 2011 | 05:22 pm
Each week Billy Blanks will give you workout tips from his world-renowned Tae Bo Fitness. Stay tuned and don’t forget to share this with your friends!