Most Vettel related news are at:

GAMES | Exclusive Red Bull X2010 Seb Vettel com o Gran Turismo 5 12 Oct 2011 | 09:12 am
Para comemorar o titulo do Campeonato Mundial de F1 do Sebastian Vettel, a Playstation Network e a Gran Turismo 5 estão promovendo dois eventos por um período limitado de uma semana. Pra você que curt...
Infiniti confirma produção limitada do FX50 Sebastian Vettel 12 Oct 2011 | 05:48 am
A Infiniti confirmou a produção limitada do conceito FX50 Sebastian Vettel, mostrado no Salão de Frankfurt, dois dias após o bicampeonato do piloto da Red Bull na F-1. O anúncio foi feito pelo vice-p...
More Vettel related news:
Vettel a lo suyo, Alonso ¿impotente? 23 May 2011 | 11:24 am
Llegaba una vez más el mundial de Fórmula 1 a España y con él, la esperanza de toda la marea “alonsiana” de ver al piloto de casa cuajar una buena actuación. Ferrari se presentaba en Cataluña con algu...
El dedito molesto de Vettel 12 Apr 2011 | 10:21 am
La supremacía de Vettel comienza a cansar a todos en la parrilla de la Fórmula 1. En Australia ya se paseo por las calles de Albert Park y este fin de semana en Malasia tampoco tuvo muchas complicacio...
Macro Photography is Amazing! 24 Apr 2012 | 07:49 pm
According to Sebastian Vettel, “It is the small things that make life good.” Indeed, who would’ve thought that these macro shots would undeniably look remarkable? Here are some of most stunning macro ...
Ecclestone: Vettel Bisa Lewati Schumi 14 Mar 2012 | 05:04 am
Ecclestone: Vettel Bisa Lewati Schumi Usia Sebastian Vettel masih sangat muda. Tak heran, bos F1 Bernie Ecclestone optimistis Vettel bisa melewati rekor Michael Schumacher. Banyak kalangan yang meyak...
Sebastian Vettel wins the first ever Indian Grand Prix Formula 1 Race results Airtel Grand Prix of India 31 Oct 2011 | 04:18 am
Sebastian Vettel wins the first Indian grand prix, with Jenson Button and Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton following him. Michael Schumacher finished 5th in the race. Sebastian Vettel would surely a...
Vettel camina hacia el titulo y Alonso se aleja de él 14 Jun 2011 | 03:44 am
El camino de Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull) hacia su segundo título de Fórmula 1 sigue despejado tras la segunda posición conquistada en el Gran Premio de Canada 2011. Vettel protagonizó toda la carrera ...
F1 champion Vettel: Red Bull will be slower in 2012 - 16 Mar 2012 | 07:56 pm
Double world champion driver Sebastian Vettel has warned his Red Bull team's 2012 car will be slower than last year's model.
Hasil F1 Australia 2011 27 Mar 2011 | 08:10 pm
Seri Perdana F1 Musim 2011 berlangsung di sirkuit Albert Park, Minggu (27/3/2011) siang WIB. Pole position dipegang oleh Sebastian Vettel, diikuti Hamilton, dan Mark Webber melengkapi top 3 start di s...
A LÓGICA DECISÃO 14 Mar 2011 | 11:16 pm
Para acalmar o frenesi de criativos setores da imprensa italiana que arrumam interpretações interessantes para as costumeiras brincadeiras de Sebastian Vettel, a Red Bull anunciou há pouco a extensão ...
Sky’s exciting F1 line up for 2012 9 Dec 2011 | 02:33 am
Last year was a unique year in F1, There were no off track scandals, the teams all got on and Bernie and co stayed out of the newspapers. With Sebastian Vettel romping away with the title on track it ...