Most xmpp related news are at:

Prosody 0.9 released 22 Aug 2013 | 02:22 am
The Prosody dev team has been quite busy – here is the details from their mailing list announcement: We are proud to present you with the release of Prosody 0.9.0. Prosody is a lightweight XMPP serv...
Membership voting for Q2 2013 has started 14 Aug 2013 | 12:26 pm
Alex has started the membership voting process for Q2 2013 applications and would love it if all the current members chat with the memberbot and vote on the 2013 Q2 membership applications. Proxy vot...
More xmpp related news:
XMPP Standards Foundation 16 Sep 2010 | 02:17 am
The XMPP Standards Foundation is an independent, nonprofit standards development organization whose primary mission is to define open protocols for presence, instant messaging, and real-time communica...
了解XMPP[2]--核心协议 4 Mar 2009 | 03:21 pm
XMPP 核心协议阅读心得[转载自网易Developer-云风] 其实,XMPP 仅仅是定义了一个网络服务间相互通讯的协议。它已经把服务间需要关心的东西减少到了最少。具体的应用每家服务提供商可以随意扩展。谈谈我对 XMPP 的粗浅理解。这些仅仅建立在我对 RFC3920 的一天阅读的基础上,难免会有错误,不足以做技术参考。 ... 收藏到 博...
了解XMPP[1] 4 Mar 2009 | 03:10 pm
В сети "ВКонтакте" началось открытое тестирование поддержки протокола XMPP (Jabber) 14 Jul 2010 | 08:19 pm
Обмениваться сообщениями в популярной соц. сети можно теперь из любимого Jabber-клиента ! Вот инструкция по настройке :
Hydra v6.2 is available with a new password bruteforcing ... 6 Apr 2011 | 04:06 pm
Hydra v6.2 is available with a new password bruteforcing mode, new xmpp and irc module, and MD5/SHA1/.. support for a lot of modules! :-)
Pusha istället för polla (RSS vs XMPP) 31 Jul 2008 | 10:14 am
Evan och Kellan argumenterade under OSCON för att webbtjänster ska pusha data via XMPP i stället för / som komplement till potentiellt resurslösande RSS-feeds. Josha Schachter och Robert Kaye har hak...
Setting your SRV records straight for XMPP 15 Dec 2008 | 09:15 am
I’ve noticed that DSN SRV records are something that are not very common knowledge among even some of the really techy people. Well, the reason is probably that most people never need to know what the...
Relay auth to an XMPP component 29 Sep 2010 | 01:00 am
Standard ejabberd auth modules include odbc, ldap, external (with script). Also there is original module "internal" which hosts users data in Mnesia. But sometimes these modules are not enough. Writi...
XMPP Jabber hosting service is now out of beta 8 Mar 2011 | 06:00 pm
Today we took our XMPP Jabber hosting service out of beta and formalized our pricing. We offer XMPP Jabber hosting for businesses or individuals who n...
tlen xmpp s2s 1 Oct 2009 | 12:26 am
Trwają testy modułu s2s w tlenie umożliwiającego użytkownikom tlenu rozmowę z milionami użytkowników w sieci XMPP. Tlen 7 udostępni tę funkcjonalność po stronie klienta. Użytkownicy kont pocztowych l...