Most abortion seizures related news are at: – Pat Buckley - European Life Network

Eight facts most people don’t know about the physical and psychological consequences of abortion for women 27 Aug 2013 | 03:19 pm

Dr peter Saunders writing in his BLOG Christian Medical Comment says, ‘Contrary to popular opinion abortion hurts women.’ Dr Saunders Continues is an evidence-based Elliot Institute ...

Shock University of Limerick Study: Most medical students want abortion on demand, fewer would perform it 26 Aug 2013 | 07:10 pm

Both the Journal and the Sunday Times report on a study carried out by the University of Limerick on the attitude of medical students to the availability and performance of abortion in Ireland. Acc.....

More abortion seizures related news:

American people duped by Obama again… 22 Feb 2012 | 12:25 pm

Obama has used the healthcare law to mislead and dupe the American people. At the crux of the controversy from the start was the abortion language and the blue dogs that held out their support till th...

George Narcavage: President Obama, a miracle worker 14 Feb 2012 | 07:16 am

I was amazed to see how easy it was for Mr. Obama to solve the conflict with the Catholic Church over the paid for birth control (abortion) measures.  His compromise solution, that the insurance compa...

In the News 28 Jun 2011 | 03:49 pm

Read the latest press on the film: THE HUFFINGTON POST Catherine Epstein, Late-Term Abortion: Filmmakers Seek to Boost Understanding, November 28, 2010

A B O U R T S 5 Jun 2010 | 11:39 pm

A. DEFINITIONS Abortion is the end of pregnancy before the child can live in the outside world. Or end a pregnancy at age less than 20 weeks of pregnancy and child's weight is less than 500 grams. B....

Angeline Quinto - "Pop Superstar" 24 Jan 2012 | 05:29 pm

Angeline Quinto was born on November 26, 1989 in Sampaloc, Manila. Her biological mother tried to abort Angeline but her grandmother stopped it, and Angeline was raised by her grandmother. She partic...

Abortion Issues 6 Dec 2010 | 03:18 pm

Abortion Issues: Social Concerns And Debates Abortion issues stem from a variety of concerns.  There are two major questions at the heart of all abortion debate: the question Pro-Life advocates – or ...

Against Abortion 3 Nov 2010 | 05:58 am

Pro-Life: Against Abortion The term “Pro-Life” is central to the debate of the validity of abortion.  Pro-Lifers are generally against all types of Induced Abortion, both Therapeutic Abortion and Ele...

Facts About Abortion 10 Jun 2010 | 05:49 am

 When it comes to abortion facts, it is often very difficult to determine what information is true and what is false. Real abortion facts begin with the medical community. In medical terminology, abor...

Surgical versus medical methods for second-trimester induced abortion 27 Feb 2009 | 09:17 am

Surgical versus medical methods for second-trimester induced abortion For second-trimester induced abortion, dilation and evacuation is superior to medical methods of abortion. However, specialized t...

اگر شوهر آدم برنامه نویس باشد 12 Jun 2007 | 10:59 pm

اگر شوهر آدم برنامه نويس باشد... شوهر: سلام،من Log in کردم. زن: لباسی رو که صبح بهت گفتم خريدی؟ شوهر: Bad command or File name. زن: ولی من صبح بهت تاکيد کرده بودم شوهر: Syntax Error, Abort, Retry, Ca...

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