Most activiteiten portefeuille ict-plan related news are at:

Overlijden Prins Friso 13 Aug 2013 | 04:51 pm
Wilt u ook uw medeleven betuigen dan kunt via een bericht plaatsen in het digitale condoleanceregister.
Gedeeltelijk vernieuwen Leemzeulder 8 Aug 2013 | 07:07 pm
Na de bouwvak start aannemersbedrijf Fokker-Oomen uit Bussum met het gedeeltelijk vernieuwen van het wegdek.
More activiteiten portefeuille ict-plan related news:
The Consultations for National ICT Plan 3 Apr 2012 | 02:40 am
The National ICT Plan Consultations (Draft) 22 Mar 2012 | 03:45 am
Domain for Life 31 Oct 2011 | 09:23 am
The ICT Room introduces another cost cutting exercise for your business! As the title suggests, we’re now offering a FREE .CO.UK domain with all Shared & Reseller Hosting Plans. Simply log a support...
Rijksoverheid kopieert ict-transparantie Obama 7 Jan 2010 | 10:33 pm
Om burgers en belanghebbenden inzicht te bieden in grote ict-projecten wil de Rijksoverheid het 'IT Dashboard' van de regering Obama kopiëren, inclusief code. Washington vindt het prima. Dat plan heef...
Tony Toole edited Project Deliverables 8 May 2009 | 06:03 pm
Twoevaluation reports were planned for the project: the evaluation report for the original ICT module created by the University of Glamorgan and the report arising from the evaluation of the repurpose...
The DSWD ISSP CY 2009-2011: “BFaST with ICT” 28 Feb 2010 | 03:37 am
“BFaST with ICT” is the theme of the DSWD Information Systems Strategic Plan [ISSP] for CY 2009-2011. This eloquent theme stands for Better, Faster, Smarter, Together with Information and Communicati...
Activiteiten Suikerunieterrein Groningen 3 Feb 2012 | 02:00 pm
Op 2 februari werden de winnaars bekend gemaakt van de prijsvraag over de invulling van het Suikerunie terrein in Groningen. Ook Outdoor International had een plan ingeleverd. Uiteraard met een sporti...
Cafe Conversation 1 Oct 2012 | 07:50 pm
Invitation to Attend CITi Café Conversation at Software Week on "Building a Sustainable ICT Skills Pipeline: A Multi-Stakeholder Action Plan" Who is invited? Academics, Teachers, Industry, Governmen...
China set to jump-start IT and related industries 17 Nov 2012 | 09:13 pm
Beijing ( China plans to jump-start key industries including the information and communications technology (ICT) sector over the next decade, the economic roadmap outlined by outgoing... ...
Irish technology sector welcomes new Action Plan for Jobs 22 Feb 2013 | 04:07 pm
ICT Ireland and the ISA, the IBEC groups that represent the technology sector, today strongly welcomed the announcement by Government to introduce major visa reforms to support growth in the ...