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On How ‘The Foxes of Harrow’ Is Definitely Not Like ‘Gone With the Wind’ 26 Aug 2013 | 09:01 pm
To cap this year’s Summer Under the Stars series, TCM devotes the last day of August to British actor Rex Harrison, best remembered as Professor Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady. Harrison’s extensive car...
When Your Hometown Goes to the Movies 25 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm
Today is Clark Gable’s day at TCM and where I grew up, Gable was an icon. Yes, yes, I know, he’s an icon everywhere, period. But I grew up in Charleston, South Carolina (“Charleston born and Charles...
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Madonna casts James D’arcy as King Edward VIII for upcoming flick 5 Jun 2010 | 04:17 am
Madonna casts James D’arcy as King Edward VIII for upcoming flick London, June 4 : Queen of Pop Madonna has cast actor James D’arcy as King Edward VIII in her upcoming royal biopic W.E. Read more on...