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my children are kind of weird 24 Aug 2013 | 04:38 am
Elliora: I want a snack. [Opens freezer.] Ooh, we have peas! Can I have some peas? [I make her some frozen peas. Five minutes later, Annalie wanders through the room and sees Elliora eating peas.] A...
the winner of a signed copy of Eleanor & Park is… 1 Aug 2013 | 10:50 pm
Hiya! So ” as soon as I can” ended up being a little later than I’d planned, thanks to illness and just life in general, but I do have a signed copy of Rainbow Rowells‘s book Eleanor & Park to give aw...
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Browser Hack to edit a Webpage 10 Oct 2011 | 09:26 pm
If you really want to impress someone with your hacking skills then this trick will surely help you.Well this is actually not any hacking just a simple javacript trick but the other person will surely...
A new road … 8 Oct 2010 | 06:28 am
Yes, we’re hiking around in new territory again. Not physically though (well, not by foot anyway). We’re working on our first real book! Of course it’s about traveling – extended travel. Actually it’s...
Earn Money Online – 3 Proven Ways to Succeed Online 23 Feb 2012 | 05:49 am
Looking for a way to make money online? Well, there are many ways to do this but only a few can actually help you succeed. In this article, you will learn more about the most popular options available...
How to Pick a Niche – 3 Tips for Choosing Hot Markets 23 Feb 2012 | 05:38 am
Before you can start your own home based internet business, it is important for you to find the right niche to join. The thing is that joining the wrong niche can actually lead to hundreds of wasted d...
MapleStory Fishing Lagoon Guide 11 Dec 2009 | 01:29 pm
Simple Fishing Guide written by mrs.oro’s Fishing is actually a very simple business. However, the concept of fishing could still be remote for some of us. I’ve written a guide, hopefully, it can cle...
Fat People and Smokers Actually Save You Money on Health Care 18 Aug 2009 | 03:50 pm
As our nation stands poised to usher in some sort of health care reform thingy, I can’t help but be reminded of some simple facts: Better health care makes people live longer. People living longer m...
Starcraft 2 Campaigns Official Launch 14 Jul 2010 | 01:52 pm
After a very, very long wait Starcraft II is finally near an actual launch. As such, it is time to begin our next endeavor: Sarcraft 2 Campaigns! A...
Real Good Chicken ads 2 May 2011 | 05:00 pm
Real Good / Machine cut chicken Advertising Agency: DDB Mudra Group, India Genuine good idea, actual good art direction, real good s ... ->see more Tags: Food DDB Agency India Adverts
Adult Videos, Why are So Many Watching? 1 Jul 2010 | 09:47 am
Millions of people have watched or will watch an adult video at some point in their lives. Enjoying these videos is not a bad thing. They can actually be not only very fulfilling, but very helpful as ...
And Now, Let's Get Awkward With 'Around The Horn' Talking About Jay Mariotti's Arrest 31 Aug 2010 | 09:09 am
Actually, they didn't talk about Jay Mariotti's arrest or its consequences, but rather the media hoopla surrounding it. The transcript can be found here. My opinion is probably mostly in line with Ric...