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Using Online Tools to Keep in Touch with Family and Friends 3 Oct 2008 | 03:37 am
Moving to a new city can be exciting and daunting at the same time. After you settle into your new apartment and realize that your friends are miles and miles away, the loneliness might start to kick ...
Journals of Toast 53 22 May 2008 | 10:21 am
Where does the time go? School ends, I move into a new apartment (yay!), and then it's been three weeks since the last episode. It's a good thing there's a library just down the street or it would hav...
Frequently Asked Questions: Apartment Rentals 24 May 2012 | 12:58 pm
Apartment Rentals For those who are considering renting a new apartment, depending on what you are looking for, what you can afford, and where you want to live, there are a few questions about apartm...
Apartment Fundraising 9 May 2012 | 05:33 am
Many of you said you would like to chip in a little bit towards things for my new apartment so I have created Chip-ins for the things that I need the most financial help on. Thank You all to any of yo...
Holiday on balcony – oasis in high altitudes 14 Oct 2011 | 01:44 am
A balcony for many tenants is an important feature in a new apartment, just when it is a city apartment is missing and a private garden. But also tenants of a property or homeowners enjoy the breezy o...
How I Met Your Mother Season 7 Episode 22 [HDTV] | 175MB - Free Mediafire Jumbofiles TV Episode Download - 2 May 2012 | 10:18 pm
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER SEASON 7: EPISODE 22 : "Good Crazy" Episode Rating: 8.3 Storyline: Just as Ted starts to settle into his new apartment alone, Barney tries to entice him into going out every ...
Moving apartments…and the ripple effect of honesty. 2 Aug 2011 | 06:05 am
We have moved to a new apartment, directly opposite work. I have recently been promoted to DOS (Director Of Studies) and need to be nearer the office as my responsibilities dictate more office time. W...
Finding Apartments In Columbia SC 19 Dec 2011 | 10:55 am
Apartments In Columbia SC Finding Apartments In Columbia SC Your search for apartments in Columbia SC has come to a fruitful end! We think we can help you find the perfect new apartment for you. Col...
Back from the brink 21 Jun 2011 | 08:04 pm
Sorry about the delay there folks, I’ve recently bought and moved to a new apartment, and am now in the process of changing jobs. I’ve got a few weeks off and so will be able to get back to updating t...
Moving to a new apartment 29 Apr 2010 | 06:52 am
About a month ago I moved from my 1st floor apartment at the southern edge of Al Rehab to a 5th floor apartment overlooking landscaped grass, palm trees, apartment buildings and the desert in the dist...