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Showcase of Arras Theme Custom Designs 5 May 2010 | 02:39 am
If you have been visiting the Arras Theme Community Forums lately, you might have popped by the Theme Showcase forum, where numerous users of Arras Theme have worked hard to customize the theme (I adm...
Hotel and Resort within Nairobi Finance and Administration Manager Job in Kenya 22 Feb 2012 | 02:00 pm
Nairobi, Fanisi HR Solutions Our client, a hotel and resort within Nairobi, is looking for Finance and Administration Manager. The overall responsibility of the Finance and Administration Manager ...
How to Find a Home-Based Job: Why to Post Your Resume Online? 11 Aug 2011 | 09:53 pm
Today's savvy HR managers are trying to find new, inexpensive ways to find job candidates. If they can avoid posting their job listings in newspapers and job sites, then they can easily save thousands...
The Worst Types of Resistance to Change That Get in the Way of HR Efforts (and What To Do About Them) 3 May 2012 | 04:20 pm
By Reut Schwartz–Hebron Introduction HR leaders are often responsible for perhaps the single most important component for orchestrating organizational change: overcoming resistance to change. Resis...
Lumesse extends partnership with Adecco France Group company, Adjust HR 10 May 2012 | 08:00 am
F - Lumesse extends partnership with French Adjust HR
Career Confidential: Fine-tuning your resume summary 3 Nov 2009 | 04:51 am
Dear Liz, I am an HR person on a job hunt. I have a resume but I don’t love it. The Summary at the top of the resume says “Results-oriented HR professional with a bottom-line orientation, strong work...
ps变瘦ps如何把人变瘦-如何用ps把人变瘦 12 Mar 2012 | 03:45 am
大家问我要瘦就需要加强运动,但是我以前练习... ps让脸变瘦_如何用PS让照片中人的脸变瘦点 adm 分享 Read on请一步步... [12/17]刚生完孩子减肚子|减/肥/的/方/法/ 瘦/肚/子 [12/17]什么... 屋里有灯不黑啊 2009-10-27 18:52:33 发布 工具软件 电
PACKARD BELL EasyNote TSX66-HR-055UK 15.6″ Laptop Review 4 Aug 2011 | 03:38 am
Product Ratings The PACKARD BELL EasyNote TSX66-HR-055UK laptop comes with a top pedigree of components making it one of the top end machines available within the reach of many. Its being sold across ...
HR 29 Jan 2011 | 04:22 pm
I need someone with design background in Flash and PHP. I have created the web design and I need the background programming as well as some flash programming for the main page. This is an auction si...
Polizei will Daten von „Anonym“ und „Lol“ 29 Mar 2012 | 08:57 am
Heute habe ich einen komischen Brief von Polizeiobermeisterin K. (PDF) der Berliner Polizei erhalten. Darin heißt es: Hr. Wxxxxxxxx erstattet Strafanzeige wegen Beleidigung durch die nachfolgend gen...