Most adrenal fatigue and table salt related news are at:
– The Nourished Life - How to Eat Well, Live Healthy and Love Life with more Balance and less Stress
Can’t Get to the Beach? Try this Homemade Sea Bath Recipe! 21 Aug 2013 | 04:08 am
I confess: I wouldn’t mind relaxing on a tropical beach somewhere with nothing but a good book for company. Something about the sand and the waves and the sunsets… if they could bottle that experience...
Is Too Much Estrogen Causing Your PMS? (and 5 Simple Tips for Balancing Estrogen Levels Naturally) 15 Aug 2013 | 04:16 am
Why do we get PMS? Those chocolate cravings, that crippling fatigue, the scary mood swings, the unexplainable weepiness… it sure can creep up on you every month, but what in the world causes it? And e...