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Mark Zuckerberg vs. Bradley Horowitz (Interviews) 10 Nov 2011 | 07:54 am
A recent interview by Charlie Rose hosted Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook to talk about the impending “war” between Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google. You can see an excerpt of the i...
Mountain View: visita a Google, Apple, Facebook y eBay 23 Aug 2008 | 05:40 am
Después de visitar Google Irlanda, me puse como reto ir a la madre de los huevos, para ver quien había sido capaz de liderar una empresa como Google. Dicho y hecho :) Aprovechando la equivalencia Dol...
Google, Apple, Facebook - Der Kampf der Internetgiganten 16 Aug 2010 | 10:41 am
Unter diesem Titel ist heute der folgende Beitrag von mir auf erschienen: Dominanz, Datenschutz, Zensur und Marktbeherrschung: Die Giganten der Internetwirtschaft ähneln sich strukturell u...
TTR Ep 2012: Copyright and Piracy, OLED TVs, driverless cars, Wolfenstien 3D, Sony and Apple Facebook news! ...and lots more 14 May 2012 | 09:21 pm
On the show today, it seems we're heading down the path of copyright and piracy. Just this week Optus chose to appeal the TV Now ruling to High Court which resulted in a blast from AFL chief Andrew De...
Google, Apple, Facebook e Amazon sono i quattro grandi attori del “tavolo” digitale 24 Jul 2012 | 07:48 pm
Una gran parte dell’esperienza digitale di oggi è dominata da quattro aziende: Amazon, Apple, Facebook e Google. Dall’ultimo rapporto eMarketer: “A parte la creazione di contenuti, è difficile immagin...
TTR Ep 2012: Copyright and Piracy, OLED TVs, driverless cars, Wolfenstien 3D, Sony and Apple Facebook news! ...and lots more 14 May 2012 | 05:21 pm
On the show today, it seems we're heading down the path of copyright and piracy. Just this week Optus chose to appeal the TV Now ruling to High Court which resulted in a blast from AFL chief Andrew De...
Das Unternehmen, das die größte Bedrohung für Google darstellt 23 Aug 2012 | 09:33 pm
In der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung sind Google’s schärfste Konkurrenten entweder Apple, Facebook oder der langjährige Erzrivale Microsoft. Doch Business Insider identifiziert einen noch gefährlicheren We...
Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google….Who’s next? Part 1 29 Aug 2012 | 12:44 pm
Phil Simon’s new book is entitled ‘The Age of Platform: How Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google have Redefined Business’. Simon’s thesis is that this ‘Gang of Four’ went from creating single products, ...
Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google….Who’s next? Part 2 10 Sep 2012 | 03:35 pm
Multi-national Communication Service Provider’s(CSP’s) are learning much from their new competitors – the ‘Gang of Four’ – about tools and ideas to redefinebusiness. These includea combination of – th...
Web Platform Docs : Apple, Facebook et Google s’allient 11 Oct 2012 | 09:23 pm
Les géants de l’informatique s’unissent pour faciliter l’échange d’information sur les nouvelles technologies employées sur le net.