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烟酰胺的护肤作用 27 Aug 2013 | 07:14 am
烟酰胺是烟酸的衍生物,也叫做维生素B3。烟酸是人体内脂肪和糖功能必需的。烟酰胺还有助于保持细胞健康。可以在肉类,鱼,牛奶,豆子,谷物和酵母等食品中找到这种维生素。此外,烟酰胺外用还有护肤和治疗皮肤病作用。 烟酰胺治粉刺效果很好。此外,酒渣鼻,皱纹,鱼尾纹,痤疮,皮肤干燥和发红也可以用烟酰胺缓解。它能使皮肤有光泽,减轻日晒损伤,色素沉着和老年斑。 台湾医科大学曾经做过一项混合激动素(抗氧化剂)和...
烟酰胺含量高的食品列表 27 Aug 2013 | 06:07 am
烟酸和烟酰胺是维生素B3的两种主要形式。它们在人体中的作用相似,都负责维持脂肪和糖的适当功能。大剂量摄入烟酰胺能治疗维生素B3缺乏症和糖尿病,各种皮肤病,记忆力衰退,关节炎和其它疾病。除了保健品以外,还可以吃烟酰胺含量高的天然食品获得好处,如蘑菇,肉食,鱼,蔬菜,水果,花生和谷物等。 蘑菇 蘑菇比其它食品包含的烟酰胺更多。140克新鲜蘑菇就能提供这种维生素接近27%的日建议量。 肉类 以1...
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Which traffic is better for Adsense publishers? Google or Bing? 18 May 2010 | 04:37 am
If you’re an Adsense publisher, I’m sure you do get some traffic from search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. Image by michperu. Do you know traffic from of these search engines give Adsense p...
How to Make $100 a Day With Google AdSense 2 Oct 2010 | 04:00 pm
If you want o be like most people online than you will want to reach that goal of $100 a day, but how do you make $100 a day with Google AdSense? The trick to making money with AdSense is to understan...
Biggest Mistakes of AdSense Publishers - 7 Biggest and Dangerous Mistakes of AdSenses Publisher 29 Nov 2008 | 08:51 pm
Main aim of AdSense publishers are to earn money. To earn money, the publishers have to come in e-business market through their hubs or webs or blogs or other ways. People may contact several AdSense ...
One Click for Big Dollar 21 Jul 2009 | 04:33 pm
I am surprise when I checked adsense report last day. I got $5.22 for one click. This is amazing for me because it don't happen to me before. I know this can be happened for every adsense publisher. E...
Google AdSense öffnet sich für Drittanbieter 28 Aug 2009 | 10:48 am
Nach ein wenig arbeits-, keine-Lust-, urlaubs– und serverumzugs-bedingten Abstinenz melde ich mich zurück Ich bin etwas verwundert nachdem mich heute eine E-Mail von Google AdSense erreichte, die für...
Prosperent TCPA – An AdSense Alternative 7 Apr 2010 | 08:00 pm
AdSense is probably one of the simplest ways people use to monetize their websites. Some of them make decent money from it and some others make pennies or even worse got their AdSense account banned w...
Rank Checker For Firefox Review 3 Jul 2009 | 03:57 pm
Adsense Blog Reviews So, i don’t know if you are like me, but I got a bad habit. I got to be constantly checking things. I got to check my Google Adsense, my Analytics, my HubPages ranks, my Squidoo l...
AdSense Joomla Integration 2 Feb 2010 | 06:23 am
AdSense ads are in fact a few lines of JavaScript code that we can embed anywhere on the webpage. If you have static pages then this is pretty easy. You simply paste AdSense code where you want ads to...
Google adsense sebagai investasi jangka panjang 27 Jul 2010 | 04:37 am
Bisnis online selalu menjadi topik hangat dikalangan para pecinta dunia maya tak terkecuali dengan bisnis yang satu ini tak pernah lekang dimakan usia. Apalagi kalau bukan google adsense situs perikla...
Adsense Pros and Cons 12 Nov 2010 | 01:54 pm
You have that site on-line for quite a while, its generating a good number of hits every day and you’re thinking whether or not to use AdSense advertising on it to make it generate some form of income...