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Honing Portrait Photography Skills 27 Aug 2013 | 12:45 am
Photography is one of the few hobbies I have managed to keep up with in spite of numerous other distractions. Of course, I haven’t been able to shoot as much as I like to but hopefully our move to Aus...
Gas Expenses v. Commuting 20 Aug 2013 | 01:22 am
As I’ve mentioned before here, I used to commute from College Station to Austin for work. I commuted for just over five months until Ash also got a job here and we moved to Austin. The other day we’re...
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List of Financial and Funding Documents required during US F1-Visa Interview 19 Jun 2013 | 09:56 am
List of Financial Documents Required for F1 Visa Interview Funding and Finance Documents: Core: Scholarship Letter Bank Loan Letter Aid or funding letter Affidavit of support Liquid Money: Ban...
Real F1 Visa Interview Experience - June 2013 - Chennai Consulate 29 Jun 2013 | 06:22 am
Chennai Consulate Texas Tech University (TTU) Date: 26th June, 2013, 10 am F1 Visa Interview Experience Me: Good Morning Mam, How are you? VO: Good morning, I am good, how r u? (with a smile on fa...
Fall 2013 F1 Visa Experience By Ankit Sahu 8 Jul 2013 | 03:57 pm
F1 Student Visa Interview Experience – MS in Electrical Engineering – Kolkatta By Ankit Sahu....
List of 30 Most Common Questions for F1 Visa Interview 13 Jul 2013 | 12:44 am
Why US? Why USA? Why not any other country? Why not India? Why this University? What is so special about this particular university? How did you come to know about this university? How many univ...
F1 Visas: I-120 may be issued to Same Sex couples New Guidance 6 Aug 2013 | 08:07 pm
Guidance following the Courts Decisions on Same Se Marriage continue to be released. The latest is regarding Student Visas. The Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs has advised consulates ...
How To Open A U.S Bank Account For Non-Americans 25 Jul 2008 | 11:05 pm
Open A US Bank Account,Step-By-Step, For Non-Americans,With FREE VISA Debit Card. Deposit funds from your PayPal, 2CO, & AdSense accounts and clickbank. Withdraw funds from any ATM around the world.We...
Lịch Visa tháng 6.2012 14 May 2012 | 09:57 pm
Ngày đáo hạn hồ sơ (ngày ưu tiên) So với tháng 5/2012 F1 22.06.2005 Tăng 7 tuần F2A 01.01.2010 Tăng 6 tuần F2B 15.04.2004 Tăng 7 tuần F3 01.04.2002 Tăng ...
Lịch Visa tháng 5.2012 9 Apr 2012 | 03:11 pm
Ngày đáo hạn hồ sơ (ngày ưu tiên) So với tháng 4/2012 F1 01.05.2005 Tăng 4 tuần F2A 15.11.2009 Tăng 5 tuần F2B 22.02.2004 Tăng 5 tuần F3 08.03.2002 Tăng ...
Lịch Visa tháng 8.2012 13 Jul 2012 | 01:04 am
Ngày đáo hạn hồ sơ (ngày ưu tiên) So với tháng 7/2012 F1 01.08.2005 Tăng 3 tuần F2A 15.03.2010 Tăng 4 tuần F2B 22.06.2004 Tăng 7 tuần F3 01.05.2002 Tăn...
Lịch Visa tháng 7.2012 12 Jun 2012 | 09:22 am
Ngày đáo hạn hồ sơ (ngày ưu tiên) So với tháng 6/2012 F1 08.07.2005 Tăng 2 tuần F2A 15.02.2010 Tăng 6 tuần F2B 01.05.2004 Tăng 2 tuần F3 15.04.2002 Tăn...