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Google verification in TypePad versus WordPress 27 Sep 2008 | 08:31 pm
Have you heard about Google Webmaster Tools? With Google Webmaster Tools, you can view which of your pages are included in Google’s index, see any errors encountered while crawling your site, find sea...
Finally – is now an ad-free zone! 19 Sep 2008 | 05:50 am
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this announcement today: Go (Even More) Ad-Free. Finally, is doing away with the Google Ads that have plagued my blog for so long. Well, they’re not...
More adsense for wordpress related news:
Google Adsense Kini di WordPress.Com 4 Feb 2010 | 01:28 pm
Kabar gembira buat yang suka mendulang receh lewat blog. Kini anda bisa memasang Google Adsense langsung pada blog gratisan WordPress.Com anda. No HOAX adsense at blog Jika dulu saya...
WordAds (WordPress) vs Adsense (Google) 3 Dec 2011 | 07:52 pm
WordPress Launches WordAds WordAds vs Google Adsense: Which is the Better Revenue Source for Bloggers? WordAds from – can the bloggers hope to make more money than the co...
Wp Custom Adsense Plugin - Wordpress Code 25 Jan 2012 | 02:53 pm
=== Custom Adsense Plugin ===Author: Umakant PatilContributors: Ravi PennaTags: Ad-senseRequires at least: 2.9Tested up to: 3.0Stable tag: trunk The plugin shows Ads on the blog's pages. The Ad is sho...
How to easily add AdSense to your WordPress posts 28 May 2012 | 05:08 am
Manually adding AdSense to WordPress posts is a relatively simple task that can be accomplished within just a couple of minutes. In this tutorial, we cover the process of adding the code to the single...
CTRMagz FIT and CTRMagz Sense Released 14 Oct 2011 | 07:44 am
We have just released two brand new Adsense theme. Both themes are released under our Adsense magazine WordPress theme series, CTRMagz. For you who don’t know already, CTRMagz Series is our collectio...
Free WordPress Theme: StudioPress Red Theme 26 Feb 2009 | 02:16 pm
StudioPress is a clean, AdSense-ready WordPress theme. It supports widgets and it comes with alternate comments styling and a customizable “Welcome” section on the sidebar.
Adsense Ready WordPress Templates | Best WordPress Themes 16 Mar 2011 | 08:44 am
Adsense Ready WordPress Templates Best WordPress Themes Best themes for Wordpress powered blogs. Download quality and professionally designed Wordpress templates
WORDPRESS SON SÜRÜM 3.1 ÇIKTI 27 Feb 2011 | 01:35 am
[#2: Edit Options>MightyAdsense>Adsense Code] WordPress 3.1 sürümü çıktı. Özellikle kullanıcı paneli için hazırlanan bar ile güzel değişiklikler var gibi. Ama bu sürüm yeniliklerinden çok eksiklikle...
YARP and Adsense-Deluxe WordPress Plugins 3 Apr 2010 | 05:59 pm
This week I worked on installing a couple of WordPress plugins that are expected to improve my blog. The first plugin is YARP (Yet Another Related Posts) plugin by Mitcho which provides a list of rela...
Adsense templates, WordPress, Blogger free adsense themes 13 Sep 2011 | 07:38 pm
Adsense templates , the best adsense templates,themes for advertising on WordPress, blogger, Joomla. Please click here to join Adsense templates website