Most afc sudbury related news are at:

Two For Redbridge 26 Aug 2013 | 03:27 pm
Redbridge have announced two new signings. Midfielder Ryan Carolan joins the club, while Ben Bradbury returns from league rivals Maldon & Tiptree. Carolan names Concord Rangers as his previous club....
Needham At The MEL 26 Aug 2013 | 05:09 am
It should be an interesting contest at The MEL Group Stadium as AFC take on Needham Market in the Ryman North Division. The visitors are so far unbeaten this season having played five games won three...
More afc sudbury related news:
Jey Siva scores in Enfield Town’s 3-3 draw with AFC Sudbury 5 Mar 2012 | 09:39 am
JEY SIVA was on target as Enfield Town played out a 3-3 draw with AFC Sudbury. The left-back fired in a free-kick to make sure Enfield Town ended the first half level at 2-2. But the Ryman League Divi...
Dereham Match Reports 26 Aug 2013 | 01:32 am
Read the match report Dereham Town v AFC Sudbury click the link below To read the match report of AFC Reserves/Under 21′s v Dereham Town...
EA SPORTS Bar wird die neue AFC Köln Falcons -VIP Lounge 2 Feb 2012 | 04:07 am
Wir freuen uns verkünden zu können, dass die Football-Manschaft der AFC Köln Falcons unsere neuen Dauergäste werden. Ab sofort ist die EA SPORTS Bar die neue AFC Köln Falcons -VIP Lounge und schon...
Bulgaristan Türkiye Maçı Canlı izle 29 May 2012 | 06:19 am
Bulgaristan – Türkiye Maçı Canlı izle GoooLTv Bulgaristan Türkiye Maçı Canlı izle 12:30 Adelaide United – Nagoya (Futbol. AFC Şampiyonlar Ligi) 13:00 İngiltere – Batı Hint Ad...
Tre nye treningskamper klar 23 May 2012 | 02:10 am
Leeds United bekreftet i dag tre nye treningskamper i sommer. Sommerens pre-season starter borte mot lokale Farsley AFC fredag 20. juli med avspark kl. 20.45. De spiller til daglig i Evo-Stick First ...
Seongnam 0-1 Bunyodkor (AFC Champions League – Playoffs) 30 May 2012 | 01:24 pm
Seongnam 0-1 Bunyodkor (AFC Champions League – Playoffs)
Adelaide 1-0 Nagoya (AFC Champions League – Playoffs) 30 May 2012 | 01:23 pm
Adelaide 1-0 Nagoya (AFC Champions League – Playoffs)
Prete canadese si dichiara colpevole di abusi sessuali nei confronti di 16 persone 9 Jun 2011 | 02:53 pm
Il prete cattolico in pensione William Hodgson Marshall si e’ dichiarato colpevole oggi dell’accusa di molestie sessuali a 16 ragazzi, a Toronto e due cittadine vicine, Windsor e Sudbury, nel 1953. Ma...
Tournament 3 - Season 1 2009 27 Dec 2008 | 11:59 pm
Ho Ho Ho Ho! Endlich ist es soweit, das neue BotF Turnier ist da! Es wird auf afc veranstaltet und wer mitmachen will braucht einen Account im dortigen forum. Das forum ist auf englisch, das Turnier...
BOTF 1.0.3 RC1 Released! 14 Dec 2008 | 11:03 pm
Endlich tut sich wieder was in der BOTF Modding Community! Auf afc wurden heute neue Installer veröffentlicht. Dazu zählt auch der lang ersehnte 1.0.3 Patch in seiner ersten Fassung! (RC1) Dieser b...