Most after carnegie mellon blog spot related news are at:

Work and the Internet 27 Jul 2010 | 01:38 am
For context about why I care, here is a slight paraphrasing from grant proposal I recently wrote: For the last eight years, I have been working to develop an area of computer science called "human co...
Research versus Teaching 20 Jun 2010 | 03:01 am
My previous post stirred some people's emotions. Reading the comments, it seems part of that came from the tension between teaching and research in modern American universities. In most countries, th...
More after carnegie mellon blog spot related news:
Education Is Broken In U.S. But Testing More Is NOT The Answer 21 Aug 2011 | 05:11 am
Just discovered this blog by Roger Schank - he's a former professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon and a few other schools, now retired. I suggest taking a quick look if you want to get mad fa...
“Because I’m Drawn That Way!” Ed Piskor Talks Comics 13 Apr 2012 | 05:56 pm
I’ll be giving some sort of presentation at Carnegie Mellon University in a few weeks. Here’s a process blog showing the evolution of the poster I created for the event. I hate coming up with titles,...
Get EDU Backlinks From Your Own Blog On Carnegie Mellon University 15 Oct 2012 | 08:49 pm
Would you like to get .edu backlinks from your own .edu blog? If so, I’m going to share something extra special with you. In the video below will find a step-by-step instruction how to set up and run ...