Most after effects text animation related news are at:

Rose 26 Mar 2011 | 08:39 pm
2011 Rose illustration done with ink on scratchboard. At the bottom you can see the original pencil drawing it was based on.
Johann Sebastian Maybach 12 Mar 2011 | 08:01 pm
2011 My take on a local character back in Romania. Get the T-shirt at Redbubble
More after effects text animation related news:
Rapidly build amazing photo galleries with Joomla! simplicity and the best of jQuery effects and animations. 27 Apr 2012 | 05:53 pm
RapidPlugins released nice joomla image gallery component "RapidGallery". Rapidly build amazing photo galleries with Joomla! simplicity and the best of jQuery effects and animations. Joomla simplici...
Using jQuery to switch div class names for animations 18 Jan 2012 | 09:31 am
Check out the link below. jQuery switching div class effect with animations. I’m using Firefox with Firebug addon to see the div automatically change from “newClass” to “anotherNewClass”. Look at t...
CSS3 - Box Shadow 2 May 2011 | 07:46 am
Finally, after a long wait, all the most used Web browsers are been updated to support CSS3, so it's time to start learning how to use them and use them on our sites Joomla! to create effects and anim...
Stuffed Hanging Text Effect 27 May 2012 | 12:04 am
วิธีทำ >> Text Effect: วิธีทำตัวอักษรแขวนหลากสี
Text animation 10 Aug 2010 | 10:23 am
La fel ca multi dintre voi, eu petrec multe weekend-uri gandindu-ma la animatii de text si mai ales.. animatii FOARTE TARI! Acum stai cateva minute sa te gandesti la asta, sa vizualizezi..poti sa ada...
Modern War 2 Apr 2012 | 07:51 am
- Massively Multiplayer Online War Game - BATTLE other players LIVE - Gorgeous RETINA graphics - Cutting-edge visual effects and animations - Choose to fight for one of six countries: US, Ru...
jQuery based photo gallery and sliders 24 Mar 2011 | 10:18 am
Are you someone who is constantly wowed by the cool effects and animation jQuery can do and always searching jQuery tutorials and plugins? Here is a post for you. jQuery is now the coolest, easiest an...
7 Software Membuat Text Animation dengan mudah 17 Jul 2010 | 10:27 pm
Cara membuat Text Animation memang tidak mudah, paling tidak anda harus meguasai sowtware flash maker, tapi itu tidak berlaku disini kawan Classicstudio. artikel 7 Software Membuat Text Animation deng...
Photoshop පාඩම් අංක 15 | Typography 2 23 Nov 2011 | 06:14 am
ඔන්න එහෙනම් කිව්ව වගේම Typography 2 පාඩමත් දැම්මා. මේ ටියුට් එකෙනුත් ඔයාලට Text එකකට ලස්සන effect එකක් දාන හැටි තමයි කියල දෙන්නෙ. එහෙනම් අපි යමු ටියුට් එකට. අපි අද හදන්න යන්නෙ මෙන්න මේ විදිහෙ Text Ef...
Sothink SWF Easy v6.2 Build 622 14 May 2010 | 06:31 pm
Sothink SWF Easy is known as Flash maker and GIF animator. It offers an easy way to make Flash Button, Flash Banner, Flash Photo Album, Greeting Card, Text Animation and Flash Presentation. With rich ...