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Le Paris bancal de Nadal 4 Nov 2011 | 07:33 pm
TENNIS Avant même que ne débute le Masters 1000 de Paris-Bercy lundi prochain (7-13 novembre), André Agassi n’a déjà plus le moindre cheveu blanc à se faire. L’Américain au crâne de toute façon lisse,...
Todos Dizem Eu Te Amo (1996) [Legendado] 3 May 2011 | 11:55 pm
Sinopse: Holden e Skylar estão apaixonados. Skylar vive em Manhattan com sua grande família, onde Bob e Steffi, seus pais, estão casados há muitos anos. Joe, um amigo da família, tem uma filha, DJ, co...
Steffy se fait tirer comme une catin 14 May 2011 | 11:52 am
Cette jeune brunette n’est pas une enragée qui se jette sauvagement sur la quille de ses partenaires, non elle sait léchouiller avec délicatesse pour profiter de chaque centimètre de zizi. Le garçon, ...
Big LOL 18 Apr 2012 | 08:09 pm
Auteur du site : Steffi Rakotozafy / 115451 Housseini Toumani / 112377 Classé dans:Autres Tagged: lol, TelepaFi, troll
Renault could sell 3,500 electric cars in Israel from 2011 21 Dec 2010 | 10:22 am
Shai Agassi, the boss of California-based electric mobility company Better Place, stated that French automaker Renault could sell 3,500 electric cars in Israel from 2011. He has also estimated that R...
Electric Cars: A Dual Plan for Recharged Driving 24 Sep 2011 | 07:00 pm
Program For Better Vision Electric Cars: A Dual Plan for Recharged Driving Complete video at: Better Place CEO Shai Agassi discusses his ideas for mass public adoption of electric cars. Agas...
THE BABY GENIUS 25 Apr 2012 | 11:28 am
Mozart was just three when he mastered the harpsichord, Steffi Graf returned volleys with a powerful backhand when she was four, and Pablo Picasso completed his first painting (Le Picador) by the age ...
Semana de la moda de Paris 2012/2013. Steffie Christiaens 6 Mar 2012 | 03:55 am
A continuación te mostramos una completa galería fotografica de la Semana de la moda de Paris Pret a Porter otoño/invierno 2012-2013 de Steffie Christiaens: Steffie Christiaens Diseñadores Semana d.....
Jonathan Agassi - Sex addict 16 Mar 2011 | 10:00 am
Exotic men with a style you aren't familiar with seeing can be the most exciting performers. Jonathan has a sleek and strong physique that is pure eye-candy for his fans, but it's his unusual sexy mov...
Jonathan Agassi and Christian Herzog - Greedy boys 11 Jan 2011 | 12:00 pm
Take your first look at Jonathan and Christian, you'll see how different they appear to be. Then as the show continues their shared lust for the male form becomes apparent and their similarities start...