Most aiko related news are at:

aiko’s Diary更新「***ちゃら〜ん・・・***」 25 May 2012 | 12:00 pm
ちょっとご無沙汰になっちゃったよー。ごめんなさい???約束破りの嘘つきドチビです。最近はレコーディング(まだやってるねん(^^;))とプロモーションの日々で、わちゃわちゃしています。あとね「くちびる」のPVも撮ったよー☆25日SPACESHOWERTVから流れます。詳しくはHPのNEWSやらスケジュールを是非チェックして下さいね! →aiko日記へ
kokoo 15 May 2012 | 10:46 pm
aiko^^ やばいっす せつないよう
More aiko related news:
Apa itu miskin, bu? 5 Aug 2011 | 03:19 pm
Anak-Anak lain di taman bilang kita miskin. Benarkah itu, bu?" tanya si anak. “Tidak, kita tidak miskin, Aiko,” jawab ibunya. “Apakah kemiskinan itu?” Aiko, si anak, bertanya lagi. “Miskin berarti ...
What does the “ko” at the end of Japanese names mean ? 10 Jan 2012 | 05:33 pm
An often asked question about Japanese female names is what is the meaning behind the “ko” at the end of many names. The Japanese syllable “ko” is translated as child in English. Thus a name like Aiko...
Goodbye Budget, Hello Nikon! 8 Dec 2011 | 03:12 pm
Meet Gracie, mock shoot supermodel #3. Unlike Aiko and Olive, I’ve met Gracie a few times before. I wanted to keep the mock shoots as real as possible (unfamiliar pugs, unfamiliar place) but included ...
Cuteness Is Not Enough 2 Dec 2011 | 11:03 am
Aiko is obviously supercute, and the location for our mock shoot had TONS of colors and textures things to play around with. We had an iphone counting down the minutes, so I did my best to focus and s...
Merry Karnowsky Opening 4 Mar 2012 | 10:00 pm
I just had the pleasure of doing an amazing exhibition with Aiko, Lindsey Way, and DeeDee Cheriel at Merry Karnowsky Gallery on February 4th, 2012. See the artwork here! Here is some press and pictu...
Music Download Free, Gratis Musik Terbaru Indonesia Update, 09 Agustus 2011 Edition 12 Aug 2011 | 01:26 pm
*Download Aiko - I Love You *Download Angel Lelga - Aku Tak Suka Dangdut *Download Gita Gutawa - Jalan Lurus *Download Haddad Alwi feat Anti - Semua Untuknya *Download Hijau Daun Feat Astrid - Aku...
Positive Energie 9 Jun 2010 | 03:06 am
Ich möchte euch allen für eure lieben Kommentare, Aiko für seinen lieben Post und allen die an mich denken danken. Positive Energie können Herrchen, Frauchen und ich brauchen. Ein ganz besonderer Dan...
The year is 1582 and my name is Aiko... raised and born in Northern Shinano Province in Japan. I have served my master Sanada Yukimura first as a samurai then later when things got too dirty... his f...
Kate’s Monthly 21 Jun 2011 | 06:12 am
This month I want to talk about a new skin from Belleza called Aiko. The name and description clearly intend this skin to portray an Asian female. I find this novel, unusual marketing for Second Life....
MLSB Aiko cards 2 Apr 2012 | 11:34 pm
Sharing some adorable patterns from the Aiko line on these cards. The latest MLSB DT has been announced & I spy some scrappy pals & familiar names on that list ! Way to go , grrlls ! You're all g.....