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Mai Chau in the top 10 fresh destinations 4 Apr 2013 | 08:26 pm
The annual list was compiled by Agoda editorial team, who studied booking patterns, read thousands of customer reviews and spoke with local experts. These destinations all had high growth rates and at...
Hung Kings Festival 2013 coming up 3 Apr 2013 | 08:45 pm
Hung Kings Festival activities will be held in Phu Tho from April 13-19 to commemorate the death anniversary of Hung Kings – the founders of the Vietnamese nation. Delegations from many regions in the...
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孟買、新德里、巴黎與倫敦‧亞航X停飛多條航線 - Air Asia cut down the flight to Paris, London, New Delhi & Mumbai 14 Jan 2012 | 01:37 am
因为油價高漲、需求量低,加上苛捐雜稅造成無利可圖,亞航X宣佈逐步停飛孟買、新德里、巴黎及倫敦航線。 亞航X在文告中指出,在停飛印度與歐洲部份航線後,亞航X將專注開發澳洲、中國、台灣、日本及韓國新航線。 亞航X是大馬廉價長途航空。該公司將從2月1日起停飛孟買航線、3月23日停飛新德里航線、並在3月31日停飛巴黎航線。至於倫敦航線則將在4月1日完成最後一次航程後,宣佈停飛。亞航X指出,全球經濟走勢...
Direct flights between Phuket, Bali and Denpasar (THB) 24 Nov 2010 | 09:54 pm
Air Asia has announced plans to launch new direct flights between Phuket, Bali and Denpasar. Starting on the 17th December, Air Asia will operate the new route four times weekly every Monday, Wednesda...