Most airbus a320 related news are at:

Fire danger from Honeywell ELTs may exist on aircraft beyond the 787 23 Aug 2013 | 09:35 pm
After last month's fire involving the emergency locator transmitter (ELT) on a Ethiopian 787 in London, the FAA and other regulatory agencies around the world have ordered that these ELTs be deactivat...
UPS A300 crash in Alabama kills both pilots 14 Aug 2013 | 11:19 pm
14 August 2013; UPS A300F4-622R; N155UP; flight 1354; Birmingham, AL: The aircraft was on a domestic cargo flight from Louisville, KY (SDF) to Birmingham, AL (BHM), crashed and burned during a landing...
More airbus a320 related news:
Virgin America Airbus A320 8 Mar 2010 | 12:51 pm
Malik made a request for me... Virgin America A320, well I made it... i took too much time to upload because i am out of time usually now... Oh! By The Way... have you noticed my new blog design? sure...
Philippine Airlines Airbus A320-200 2 Mar 2010 | 01:35 pm
After a HUGE "hiatus"... (1 month people!) I'm kinda back with a request by an english forumer... Philiphine Airlines for Airbus A320-200! hope ya'll like it.... here it is: Download Here: Download ...
US Airways Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger really a hero? 15 Nov 2009 | 10:34 am
Everyone has probably heard about the story of how US Airways Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger landing an Airbus A320 into the Hudson river. After hitting a flock of geese that knocked out both engi...
AirAsia Miliki Enam Rute Penerbangan 17 Jan 2011 | 10:58 pm
Editor : Benny N Joewono Senin, 17 Januari 2011 | 16:58 WIB DHONI SETIAWAN AirAsia Airbus A320 planes are at the Soekarno-Hatta international airport, Tangerang TERKAIT: Medan Jad...
AIRASIA BERHAD 24 Jun 2011 | 04:05 am
Company Name : AIRASIA BERHAD Stock Name : AIRASIA Date Announced : 23/06/2011 Type : Announcement Subject : OTHERS Description : PURCHASE OF 200 AIRBUS A320 NEO AIRCRAFT BY AIRASIA B...
Jobs Vacancies at PT. Indonesia Air Asia - Public Relation Manager, Route Airport Executive, Engineer Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 12 Apr 2010 | 12:00 am
PT Indonesia Air Asia - The leading low fare airline in the Asia - AirAsia has been expanding rapidly since 2001, to become an award winning and the largest low cost carrier in Asia. With a fleet of 7...
Airbus A320 von Hurghada nach Bratislava mit Seagle Air 9 Dec 2010 | 01:06 pm
Super Cockpitvideo aus einem Airbus A320-200. Der Start ist in Ägypten - Hurghada und der Flug geht in die Slowakei genauer nach Bratislava. Die Airline ...
Pilotseye - La Palma - DVD 15 Sep 2010 | 09:50 am
Die aktuelle DVD von Pilotseye beinhaltet u.a. einen Flug mit einem Airbus A320 von München nach La Palma mit der Fluggesellschaft Condor. Zusätzlich gibt es noch ...
Tiger receives two new aircraft 28 Sep 2011 | 02:29 pm
Sept 26, 2011 – Tiger Airways has taken delivery of two new Airbus A320s, expanding its Singapore-based fleet to 20 aircraft. The additional aircraft will be used to boost capacity on routes to Bangko...
FS2004 Dominican Airways Airbus A320 30 May 2012 | 07:49 pm
FS2004 Dominican Airways Airbus A320 FS2004 Dominican Airways Airbus A320 updated to the new livery. Model by Project Airbus The Project Airbus A320 is being distributed via a single base package an...