Most ajax code for php related news are at:

favicon .ico Online Editor & Generator Icon on Address Bar 13 Aug 2008 | 04:49 pm
What is favicon? A favicon (short for 'favorites icon'), are litle icons associated with a particular website or webpage, shown next to the site's name in the URL bar of most browsers. The most common...
Flash Gallery Slideshow 12 Aug 2008 | 01:26 am
Flash Gallery Slideshow Mini Flash Gallery 3x3 picture frame total 9 pictures. when you click on thumbnails picture will sliding from left to right or top to bottom
More ajax code for php related news:
Blend-Style stellt sich vor 27 May 2012 | 10:16 am
Hallo eigentlich heiße ich Kevin Schmid und wohne in Schiltach (BaWü). Ich beschäftige mich derzeit neben der Schule hauptsächlich mit den Themen Coding, Webmaster, PHP, HTML, CSS usw. Ich habe hier...
Case Study: A Place to Get Your Musical Groove On… 5 Feb 2009 | 02:01 pm
Technologies WordPress, AJAX, JQuery, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, SEO, Plugins, Flash, Video Groovy Grooves Groovy Grooves: Online Video Blog and Amateur Musician Community. Our chal...
Case Study: An Organized Index of Law Professionals 11 Sep 2008 | 08:13 pm
Technologies AJAX, JQuery, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, SEO, Python, Google Maps, PayPal Canada Lawyer Canada Laywer Listing: An Organized Index of Canadian Law Professional...
test 27 May 2010 | 05:22 pm
[code type="php"] switch ($fieldType) { case 'advertiser': $oField = new Admin_UI_AdvertiserIdField(); break; case 'affiliateid-dropdown': $oField = new Admin_UI_PublisherIdField(); break; case 'c...
about json_encode and ajax dataType: “json” 30 May 2012 | 06:58 pm
In my ajax code: Gives me an output [{"records":"1"}][{"records":"1"}] So I parsed it to json by adding dataType: “json” in my ajax code. But when I parsed it, it doesn’t give me output but error on ...
Dynamic Website 6 May 2012 | 02:56 am
Dynamic Website Dynamic Website Dynamic websites creates all the web pages in real time . All these pages include Web scripting code, like PHP, ASP or JAVA . When a dynamic page is gained access th...
Source Code Script PHP+MySQL Penjualan Toko OnLine 26 Apr 2012 | 03:00 pm
AN-Teknologi Komputer IT # Silahkan Download dan Silahkan Hubungi KAMI Jika ANDA Berminat. Images Website = 01. Toko OnLine OR Toko OnLine Harga Rp 50.000,- 02. Toko OnLine O...
Motorexpo 2011 Content Management System 18 Feb 2012 | 07:26 pm
... open Included in php faq Supporting php code in php a jun designed Offers a zend ... the administration of wampserver optionally add as much apache php Basics of wincache ...
CODE IGNITER, PHP, JQUERY CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) menggunakan JQGRID 8 Mar 2012 | 12:19 am
Pada tutorial kali ini saya akan menerapkan JQGrid dengan Framework Code Igniter 2.1.0, juga bisa di bilang ini merupakan lanjutan dari Tutorial PHP, JQUERY CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) menggun...
Beautify your code in PHP 9 Dec 2011 | 09:59 am
Recently I’ve come across PHP code so messed up that even Eclipse couldn’t handle it, so I’ve rolled up my sleeves and started to look for tool that will help me in this formatting mess. I’ve found fe...