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Take Care of Yourself and Others When Using Your Phone 6 Dec 2011 | 07:06 pm

One of the most important things you can do is taking care of yourself. A recent study in the news recently has shown that talking on the cell phone is even more dangerous than drinking and driving! I...

Photoshop Tutorial: Painting Collection 30 May 2011 | 12:00 am

This collection is focus on drawing and painting. 3 tutorials will show you the steps to work out. 2 digital matte painting tutorial collections are also wrapped in this collection for your appreciati...

More ajax date picker related news:

jQuery Datepicker: How to Mark the Holidays on Calendar 28 Dec 2011 | 08:02 pm

Jquery UI has a fully-featured and highly customizable date picker control that let us create and customize the control based on our requirements. To create a basic date control, you just need to call...

Awesome jQuery Calendar and Date Picker Plugins 23 Sep 2011 | 01:12 am

If you are looking for some awesome jQuery Calendar and date picker plugins then have a look at the following collection. I have collected top 14 plugins I found and which seems like they are worthy o...

Site features 22 Feb 2011 | 09:48 pm

Compose sms with dynamic sender ID (customized sender) Sms scheduling for future delivery with date picker. Duplicate number removal to save your credit. Automatic removal of invalid recipient numb...

Canon Printer Repair Service 23 Jan 2011 | 03:37 am

Fast and Reliable Canon Printer repair service. We service and repair all major brands of Canon printers in all major cities including Toronto, Mississauga, Hamilton, Ajax, Whitby, Pickering, Brampton...

JavaScript Date Picker: jsDatePick 6 Apr 2010 | 07:36 pm

jsDatePick è uno strumento veramente semplice da utilizzare e da implementare per la selezione delle date in  JavaScript. Nell’utilizzo appare facendo un semplice clic nel campi di input o direttamen...

Kalendae: un date picker javascript indipendente da frameworks 3 Apr 2012 | 03:57 am

Kalendae è uno script per la creazione di calendari indipendente da altre librerie. Tra le caratteristiche principali: nessuna dipendenza da librerie quali jQuery, Prototype o MooTools. E’ sufficiente...

Android Time Picker for Flex Hero 11 Nov 2010 | 08:47 am

I’ve create new Android mobile component in Flex Hero. Last time I’ve created Android Date Picker, which allows you to pick date. But if you need change time, there is another component: Time Picker. ...

Android Date Picker for Flex Hero 8 Nov 2010 | 09:29 am

I’ve been testing new Flex Hero SDK with AIR 2.5 on my HTC Desire HD. In Flash Builder Burrito it works very nice and smooth. Even debugging on mobile works nicely (computer and mobile must be connect...

Ajaxorized Sliding Date-Picker 23 Jan 2008 | 01:17 am

Willem from Ajaxorized has just glued together Prototype, Scriptaculous and Datejs to create a super cool sliding date-picker widget. Check it out.

Date picker HTML select boxes with automatic date selection PHP snippet 9 Aug 2011 | 10:45 pm

This PHP snippet creates a HTML datepicker and automatically selects the current date in the select boxes. <?php $current_month = date("m"); $current_day = date("d"); $current_year = date("Y"); ?> <...

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