Most ajax pagination codeigniter related news are at:

Sublimetext Package: SideBarEnhancements 20 Apr 2013 | 01:57 pm
This is one of those packages that should be in core. This enhances the default simple sidebar with additional operations. You can install this via Package Control or from their git repository.
Sublimetext Plugins: Gitgutter 19 Apr 2013 | 01:35 pm
I am going to write series of posts showing my favorite plugins for Sublimetext editor. Sublimetext is one of the coolest editor around. Today we are going to learn about gitgutter . If you are using ...
More ajax pagination codeigniter related news:
cakephp ajax pagination using jquery 26 Apr 2011 | 02:02 pm
I tried to use cakephp default ajax pagination, it seems not working with me. I tried with different way. The following code using for pagination. Now below that code I used the following java scrip...
version 2.1 is released 20 May 2012 | 03:41 pm
9gag clone version 2.1 is released ,with this new update: -urls are optimized for seo -ajax pagination is optional and can be chnaged from admin panel anytime to turn back to old pagination with but...
Mostrar HTML dinámico con Ajax en CodeIgniter 7 Feb 2012 | 09:41 pm
En este pequeño artículo veremos una de las formas en que podemos cargar HTML de forma dinámica usando Ajax (JavaScript asíncrono y XML), esta vez en codeigniter. Para este ejemplo vamos a utilizar la...
CodeIgniter and Doctrine from scratch. Day 10 – Pagination 20 Jan 2010 | 08:42 pm
Today we will be working on Pagination. "CodeIgniter and Doctrine from Scratch" Series: Day 1: Install and Setup Day 2: The Basics Day 3: User Signup Form Day 4: User Login Day 5: Database CRUD ...
Ajax Pagination and Layered Navigation is now avaible on Magento Connect 4 Jun 2012 | 05:22 pm
We are happy to announce the availability of Ajax Pagination and Layered Navigation is now ready on Magento Connect for download. This community edition is fix an issue with magento search. Some of th...
version 2.1 is released 20 May 2012 | 11:41 am
9gag clone version 2.1 is released ,with this new update: -urls are optimized for seo -ajax pagination is optional and can be chnaged from admin panel anytime to turn back to old pagination with butto...
[Trick] Combine the jQuery AJAX and CodeIgniter form validation 25 Sep 2012 | 03:20 pm
Sebenarnya trik ini tidaklah terlalu WOW sekali, tetapi cara ini kadang kala tidak kepikiran oleh beberapa pengguna framework Codeigniter dan juga AJAX (terutama dari jQuery). Prinsipnya simpel, biasa...
Simple Reader Theme 3 Oct 2012 | 09:21 pm
Simple Reader premium WordPress theme features AJAX pagination for quick loading so that your visitors are always getting served the content they want as fast as possible. Additionally, clean code tha...
jQuery and ajax with Codeigniter 15 Jun 2013 | 08:27 pm
jQuery and ajax with Codeigniter application\controllers\products.php application\views\products.php
Ajax Pagination & Layered Navigation 0.1.6 is out 23 Jul 2013 | 05:30 am
With bug fixes, now support EE version of magento. Fix cache conflict when refresh page. Fix advanced search error. Now faster.