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More ajax popup shoutbox related news:
The simplest type and the most lightweight code for LightBox/Modal/Ajax Popup for your websites, wordpress, joomla, etc. 1 May 2012 | 12:26 am
Working on client’s projects, introduce you to different set of problems and then you set out to improvise on how to get through them. Most of the time my client come up with demands to put up a light...
How to disable AJAX popup in recent versions of phpMyAdmin 24 Jul 2012 | 11:14 pm
In order to disable AJAX popup in recent versions of phpMyAdmin you need to change the proper configuration setting in $cfg['AjaxEnable'] = false; This will do the work, and next time...
Модуль PWeb Perfect Ajax Popup Contact Form 8 Apr 2013 | 12:57 am
{mainvote} Отличный модуль для отправки сообщений с сайта. Модуль использует Ajax-технологии и красивые эффекты появления контактной формы. К сообщению можно прикреплять файлы и возможна настройка вс...
ASP.Net AJAX – Popup ModalPopupExtender 15 Jul 2013 | 02:07 am
Muitos amigos programadores já passaram por este problema, onde o ModalPopupExtender Modal Popup fecha quando algum controle dentro de seu Painel associado ao qual faz o PostBack. Abaixo veremos a so...
Re: WhatÄs this? 25 Aug 2013 | 11:13 pm
I have a video preview of it somewhere, I'll try to dig it up. I released it to one customer and found a handful of compatibility bugs with other mods that use AJAX, primarily shoutboxes. I need to wo...
Popup/Tooltip using Ajax for Mousehovers 4 May 2012 | 09:21 pm
Beginning our journey into Ajax tutorials and Scripts we start of with an Mouse hover Tooltip application. A simple mouse hover reveals some part of the html file before actually opening it. Directo...
CSS PopUp jQuery & Ajax 20 Jun 2009 | 01:00 am
Este post es la segunda parte del primer post, ya que se ha mejorado el script. Mejoras implementadas: - El script añade automáticamente las capas, no hace falta insertar el código en cada página. ...
Refresh parent window from child window – conditional reloading with javascript and AJAX 21 Jan 2008 | 01:00 pm
If you work with popups, there will be situations where you need the parent window to update based on some changes/submitted values in the popup window. I will show a solution that is done for myfaces...
Ajax Shoutbox version 5.1 24 Nov 2009 | 03:33 am
Pierre’s WordspewUtilisation de version_compare plus propre que round($wp_version) correction d’un petit bug dans wordspew-rss.php où la variable $theuser_nickname n’était pas correctement renseignée...
Ajax Shoutbox version 5.0 21 Nov 2009 | 09:36 pm
Pierre’s WordspewBonne nouvelle pour tous les utilisateur de WordPress MU, maintenant la shoutbox est compatible !! J’ai ajouté la possibilité d’archiver PUIS d’effacer TOUS les messages de la table ...