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Free Cup of Java! PerCent Word Problems, Strategies, Common Core... 29 May 2013 | 07:11 pm
So on this morning I posted the following (I modified it slightly): "Java Coffee Co." gives you a free cup after you purchase 12. The % discount is 7.7% rounded. EXPLAIN! Common...
Free Cup of Java! PerCent Word Problems, Strategies, Common Core... 29 May 2013 | 07:11 pm
So on this morning I posted the following (I modified it slightly): "Java Coffee Co." gives you a free cup after you purchase 12. The % discount is 7.7% rounded. EXPLAIN! Common...
More algebra ii challenge problem related news:
The Problem with Algebra II is Not So Much the "Algebra" as the "II" 21 Aug 2013 | 03:46 pm
One of the strong points of Nicholson Baker's sceptical piece on Algebra's role in the curriculum in Harpers is that he does a good job of consistently referring to a requirement for "Algebra II" as t...
2012 recap 17 Apr 2013 | 06:50 am
2012 was definitely one of the most challenging year that i've been through. i) getting ready for stpm ii) problems with/between bestfriends iii) upsetting breakup iv) kept winding myself away from m...
Daily Answer Writing Challenge – Day – 36 26 Aug 2013 | 08:55 am
QUESTIONS (General Studies – Paper-II) 1) Discuss the problems that impeded the integration of the princely states into the Indian Union. How were these problems tackled? (250 words) 2) Discuss the ...