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Katie’s Project Life® 2013 | Weeks 19 & 20 26 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
Welcome to Katie’s Project Life® 2013 | Weeks 19 and 20. I’ve taken a unintentional break from Project Life for the last couple of months. Between wedding planning for my sister, as well as my own we...
And the giveaway goes to… 26 Aug 2013 | 08:34 am
Three (3) people will win a spot in Big Picture’s Project Life Lessons workshop taught by Elise Blaha Cripe, Annette Haring, and Megan Anderson #230 | Wendi said…Would love this class to help me mov...
More ali edwards blog related news:
December Daily 2011 1 Dec 2011 | 11:30 pm
Hi everyone... this is probably my most fun project this year... sincerely... adore this project. I discovered the December Daily project four years ago from Ali Edwards blog, she's sooooo creative, a...
{Project Life: Week 26} 9 Aug 2013 | 06:47 pm
Happy Friday Everyone! I'm SO super-excited to be guest blogging over on Ali Edwards blog today, and sharing Week 26 of my Project Life album... Check it all there...! :)
One Little Word - Blog Hop January 2 Feb 2012 | 05:47 am
My word for 2012 is Abundance. Every month, as part of an online class with Ali Edwards, I receive a prompt -- that month's assignment. For January, we are exploring our word: "Name it. Claim it. I...
Week in the life 23 Apr 2012 | 06:57 am
Tomorrow begins again a "Week in the life" don't miss out this interest project featured by Ali Edwards, an exceptional and creative storyteller. The project is easy and fun, you must document a wee....
Teden brezgotovinskega placevanja 22 May 2012 | 04:50 am
Hej, hej. Zagotovo se sprašuješ ali ta blog še živi? Po malem pa. Zagotovo me je več na Twitterju, kjer se moraš čim prej registrirati. 3. maja je blog praznoval 5. obletnico, ampak sem bil na Kosovu,...
Mengapa kisah keluarga Imran diceritakan dalam Al Quran? 26 Oct 2011 | 01:20 pm
(Kisah ini telah diceritakan oleh sahabat saya Umma Ali, penulis blog, Walaupun kisah ini agak panjang, tetapi, ia tetap sangat berbaloi-baloi untuk dibaca…Jom baca! K...
Teden brezgotovinskega placevanja 22 May 2012 | 12:50 am
Hej, hej. Zagotovo se sprašuješ ali ta blog še živi? Po malem pa. Zagotovo me je več na Twitterju, kjer se moraš čim prej registrirati. 3. maja je blog praznoval 5. obletnico, ampak sem bil na Kosovu,...
Free Big Idea Festival! 28 Aug 2012 | 06:45 am
Introducing Our All-Star Line Up: Ali Edwards Living your Length and Width Mystery Guest #1 Unleashing the Power of School Lunch Cathy Zielske Get Real with your Scrapbooking Mystery Guest #2 Lear...
cik puteri liked Ali's blog post No Title 31 Jan 2013 | 05:10 am
cik puteri liked Ali's blog post No Title
Free Journaling Techniques Mini-Course from Ali Edwards 25 Apr 2013 | 06:38 pm
It’s no secret that I love Ali Edwards’ style. I’ve read all of her books and taken nearly all of her online classes. So when I see a chance to learn from her for free, I’m there! is ...