Most alien abductions in cape town related news are at:

Oh, and oh, take a Tumblr. 13 Feb 2013 | 02:07 pm
Guys, blogging has changed, and I’m changing with it. You know how we used to pour over every word that anyone wrote in our network, studying ever image and retweeting the heck out of it all? Well, I ...
Visual Diary 15 Jan 2013 | 02:53 am
Just some beautiful things from around and about lately. May 2013 bring you blessings, beautiful things, inspiration, purpose and lols. As every good year does. Can you tell I’m just writing nonsense ...
More alien abductions in cape town related news:
Human trafficking: darkness and hope 8 Aug 2013 | 01:29 pm
In October 2011, on a day just like today, a 16-year old Johannesburg teenager was abducted, drugged and taken to a township in Cape Town. Her kidnappers raped her and told her that she would be force...