Most alien visions related news are at:
Juice Review: Turkish Tobacco From Halo Cigs 27 Apr 2013 | 08:15 pm
Kind of funky… Alright, I’m going to start with the fact that I don’t love this juice, but Gary really likes it. Gary tends to like things on the funkier side of things… He likes pickled eggs, and vi...
Juice Review: Longhorn by Halo Cigs 25 Apr 2013 | 12:12 pm
Halo Cigs Longhorn A sweet tobacco juice that tickles the tastebuds Coop and I went on a binge last week and picked up a ton of juices from all sorts of different vendors in an effort to find someth...
More alien visions related news:
Juice Review: Havana Gold by Alien Visions E-Juice 7 Apr 2013 | 01:28 pm
Havana Gold - Pure Enjoyment The BEST Cigar Tobacco Juice Let me start off by saying that my favorite type of juice to vape on any given day is a solid tobacco. I’ve been searching for the best toba...
eJuice Review: Boba’s Bounty, Alien Visions. 27 Jun 2013 | 11:15 am
Now I get it! And I get it in spades. I always wondered, and perplexed, about the hype and the love that the Vaping community have for this eLiquid. My first ever Vape was an RY4, and I wasn’t enthus...
「創作有時」作品展公開召募 8 Oct 2008 | 05:47 am
參加須知: 。創作人先為作品選定一個「時間」,作為創作單位,然後引起作品。如「凌晨十二點」的作品是一個題目為《自殺》的廣播劇,這是一個在凌晨十二時打算尋死的女子,打電話求助的故事;The Evening Primrose的錄像及音樂作品《Sound & Vision》,則選了「下午兩點二十一分」和「下午十點二十一分」,因為他們「記得當時二十一歲」; 。「時間」和「作品」的關係和定義很廣泛,只要...
Variable Vision: Latest bifocal technology uses layer of liquid crystals 28 Mar 2012 | 05:04 pm
Bifocal glasses have come a long way since Benjamin Franklin first invented them more than 200 years ago.
Men in Black III 28 May 2012 | 09:40 pm
Agent Jay must go back in time in 1960 to change history by preventing an alien from killing his friend – Agent Kay at this time.
Battleship 20 May 2012 | 11:52 pm
This movie tells about an USA navy who is asked to do battle with a fleet of unknown aliens named “The Regents” in order to thwart their destructive plan.
AVATAR on Earth: Inspirations for Pandora 20 Dec 2010 | 07:20 am
You may have noticed that Pandora is a bit like Earth but with lots more neon blue, as the New York Times did. But this alien planet didn't just spring full-formed from James Cameron's imagination; it...
未来警察 Future X-cops 22 May 2012 | 09:23 am
香港映画ならではのワイヤーアクション、最先端のVFX技術を駆使して見応え抜群のエンターテイメント(点数 70点) (C)2009 Scholar Multimedia Group Co.Ltd. and Mega-Vision Pictures Ltd. SF作品初挑戦のアンディ・ラウがサイボーグ警官に扮し、時空を超えて巨悪と闘うSFアクション。監督はバリー・ウォンで、主演のアンディは脚本も担...
La vita e le tecnologie nel Gennaio 2015 31 Jan 2010 | 01:50 am
Visione di un vicino futuro Mi sveglio di soprassalto alle sette dopo una notte agitata, e preparo il caffè. Mi siedo, e guardo per riflesso condizionato l’I-Berry . Scorro la posta in arrivo, che il...
22.12.2010 22 Dec 2010 | 12:00 pm
Full games: - Age of Conquest III - Alien Breed 3 Descent - Rulers of Nations - Geo-political Simulator 2 - Art of Murder The Secret Files - Flight Control HD - Poker Night at the Inventory - Remingto...