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~Daily Motivation With Jarred~ OPEN YOUR OWN DOOR TO SUCCESS! 30 Apr 2012 | 11:40 pm
OPEN YOUR OWN DOOR TO SUCCESS… Success on any major scale requires that you accept responsibility. The one quality that all successful people You must choose the thoughts and actions that will le...
Paranoid scale tones 10 Jul 2011 | 11:47 pm
I think I don't have to ask: "Do you already know about C major scale?", 'cause I bet you already know about that. Well, this time I will share about C pentatonic major scale. The composition of the c...
How to play one octave C Major scale hands separately and hands together. 22 Aug 2009 | 11:45 pm
There are many piano scales. We need eight notes to play any piano scale. The first one to learn is the easiest – C Major. In order to start learning the C Major piano scale, we will be using only the...
Scale 20 May 2009 | 07:26 pm
12 Major Scale (Tangga Nada Mayor) ; sebelum kita lanjutakn pembahasan Inversion dan Voicing lebih jauh coba kita kembali ke Tangga Nada Mayor & Minor. Dalam Konsep Diatonik kita akan diperkenalkan d...
Three Note per String Modes for Classic Rock Guitar 31 Jul 2010 | 11:23 pm
Berkleemusic’s guitar instructor Joe Musella shows 3 note per string modes of the major scale in all positions illustrating fast legato playing like Joe Satriani and Steve Vai. Share on Facebook
Modes for guitar: The Locrian mode (the 7th and the last mode) 19 Jul 2010 | 09:32 pm
The Locrian mode is the 7th and the last mode of the major scale, it is based on the 7th note of any major scale and it's the less used among all modes for guitar. This mode has a very dissonant sound...
Modes for guitar: The Aeolian mode "Natural minor" (the 6th mode) 16 Jul 2010 | 09:23 pm
The Aeolian mode or the natural minor scale is the 6th mode of the major scale, it is based on the 6th note of the major scale, as its name refers to, the Aeolian mode is a minor mode and has 3 differ...
Modes for guitar: The Mixolydian mode (the 5th mode) 13 Jul 2010 | 10:22 pm
The Mixolydian mode is the 5th modes of the major scale, It is also considered a major mode or scale as the Lydian mode because it has one only difference with the major scale, which is the flatted 7t...
Modes for guitar: The Lydian mode (the 4th mode) 11 Jul 2010 | 12:42 am
The Lydian mode is the 4th mode of the major scale, It is considered a major mode because it has only one difference with the major scale, which is the raised 4th (Flatted 5th). The interval structur...
Modes for guitar: The Phrygian Mode (the 3rd mode) 8 Jul 2010 | 12:28 am
Phrygian mode is the 3rd mode of any major scale, it is a very used mode especially in heavy metal, rock and even jazz. The Phrygian mode among all modes for guitar sounds very exotic and heavy and it...