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MacBook running Linux: audio via JACK is distorted, audio via ALSA is not 28 Apr 2012 | 06:42 am
As of April 2012 there seems to be driver problem that affects the audio interface on the Macbook when it is used in 24 or 32 bit mode. To avoid the resulting distortion, use the -S flag to the ALSA b...
Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx – Reinstalling ALSA 6 May 2010 | 07:28 pm
I shared with everyone the problem I am having with ALSA in my previous blog post. Stéphane Gaudreault wrote a good instruction on how to re-install ALSA. The only difference that I during the re-ins...
Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx – Gasp What’s Wrong With ALSA ? 5 May 2010 | 11:18 am
I have been having 100% CPU usage problem that hogs my Ubuntu box ever since I was using Karmic. I scan my Ubuntu box for bad hard disk sector using: Luckily and I am still thankful for this that I d...
Profil Setia Band 23 May 2012 | 03:51 pm
Profil Setia Band | Setia Band adalah band yang digawangi oleh Charly yang dulunya adalah ST12. Personil Setia Band sekarang terdiri dari Charly van Houten, Pepeng dan Alsa. Untuk Alsa sendiri adalah ...
Biri Hayatımdan İki Yıl Çalsa! (2011-10-07 Cuma) 7 Oct 2011 | 04:16 pm
İki genç 14 Mart 2010 tarihinde Roman Çalıştayına giderler. Başbakana vermek istedikleri bir mesaj vardır. Onlar Parasız Eğitim olması gerektiğini düşünen kişilerdir. Bu isteklerini çalıştay sırasında...
Magic Linux rc3 发布(10.13) 13 Oct 2008 | 03:26 pm
本次发布仍然有dvd和cd版本,但同时发布三个衍生版本。 自rc2以来的更新: 1.更新amarok到1.4.10 2.更新lrcShow-II到0.9.0 3.更新仓库的firefox到3.0.1 4.更新magic-system-config和mxd,修正普通用户adsl拨号问题。 5.更新alsa-lib/alsa-utils/alsa-drivers到1.0.18rc3,普通用...
MagicLinux 2.1 rc2 发布(9.7) 8 Sep 2008 | 12:27 am
本次发布的有dvd/cd版本,livecd版本由于时间关系,随后发布。 自 rc1 以来的更新, 1.修正安装程序无法使用 USB 输入设备的 BUG,并更新成与系统一致的内核版本。 2.更新内核到,同时更新相关外围驱动。 3.以 alsa 官方驱动替换内核自带驱动,并同时更新 alsa 相关包到最新版本。 4.以gensplash(fbsplash)替换splash...
Arch Commands: 31 May 2011 | 10:05 am
pacman -Sy alsa-lib alsa-utils pacman -S alsa-oss install sound control pacman -Ss xpdf search pacman repository for xpdf pacman -Si packageName pacman -Qi packageName get more info about packa...
alsa balutan! 11 Jan 2012 | 04:19 pm
Tanda ko noong isang taon eh January ako naglipat bahay mula sa una kong bahay. Hindi naging maganda ang pasok ng libog ng pagsisimula ng taon ko non at nawasak ang wasak ko ng pekpek! Hindi man ako ...
hai kawan 4 May 2007 | 03:29 pm
hai kawan, perkenalan singkat nih, nama saya alsasian atmopawiro, biasanya saya dipanggil alsa, ian (kalau dirumah), ganteng juga pernah--pernah lho haha. Saya hidup di bandung, dari sd smp sma kuliah...